My name is Abel I am in fourth grade and I go to Veritas Christian Acadamy. I love Veritas because the people are kind and encouraging and I learn a ton.  Veritas also supports my faith, and its very fun!!! My favorite subjects are science, library, gym and history. Some of the things  I like to do best at school are read, play football and talk with my friends. For me, what makes Veritas special are the people and the atmosphere. .I hope that someday Veritas could expand to needing three buildings!!!!!!

Hi, my name is Blaise I go to  Veritas Christian Academy and I am in fourth grade as well. I love VCA because the teachers are nice as well as the students. My favorite things to do are hang out, see friends, and learn. My favorite subjects are Math, History, and Makerspace. VCA is special because the Principal, and the teachers. I hope in the future VCA can get even bigger so more kids can come and see how great it is.

Hi my name is Emmanuel i'm a 6th grader at Veritas Christain Acadamy. One of my favorite subjects is MLK because we get to learn about world problems and what steps we can take to solve them. Another reason I love veritas is our chaple is amazing. We get to play games and learn about God at the same time. I think veritas is special because of its comunity evryone knows each other and evryone is usually in a good mood. I also love how we get to go on all these really fun trips and grow in our relationships with friends and teachers. I hope the future students of veritas will have just as much of a great time than i did.





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Cory Jordan Nice work! May 2022 $10.40
  • Cory Jordan Way to go! May 2022 $10.40
  • Cory Jordan Keep it up! May 2022 $10.40
  • michelle Swaim May 2022 $104.00
  • michelle Swaim May 2022 $52.00
  • michelle Swaim May 2022 $104.00
  • Lori Wassermann My second donation is for Blaise Swaim's page as he also is an amazing example of the quality of education and the whole experience that Veritas provides that is exemplary. These kids really love school and appreciate their teachers to boot. May 2022 $104.00
  • Lori Wassermann I couldn't be more impressed with the quality of education Veritas provides and the amazing ways it develops the character of its students as it provides such excellent teaching. And the kids love it and are thriving. May 2022 $104.00
  • Anonymous Run like the wind, Abel, Emmanuel and Blaise! I'm proud of you! May 2022 $104.00
  • michelle Swaim May 2022 $52.00