The way Veritas has changed my life

Hello, my name is Sophia,

Veritas has helped my grow in many ways, but the two biggest way Veritas has helped my grow was first through acidemicly and secound spirtualy. Veritas helped me acidemicly grow was by that it made me realize my full potentional and level up my thinking no public school could ever do that for me. Veritas helped me spirtualy because, when I was in public school my faith was tested a lot and since my foundation in the Lord wasnt fully firm I wasnt able to defend my faith. But when I started going to Veritas I was surrounded by people with similar faith who helped me build my firm foundation in the Lord, so now if people try to question my faith I am able to defend my faith. You should donate to Veritas because it is a very diverse and faithful comunity that would like to grow. When you donate to Veritas you help kids get better education. Because Veritas's main goals is to help give children who can't affored to go by givibg them scholarships and build a bigger school to allow more people to come. All you have to give is at least 10 dollars. Thank you for your time.





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My Supporters

  • Anonymous May 2022
  • Kim Swanson May 2022
  • Lisa Cerci God bless you! Mrs. Cerci May 2022 $76.54
  • cindy wellman Wow, Sophia. I truly loved reading about all the things you love about Veritas. We are thrilled you joined our school this year. ❤️ May 2022 $10.00
  • Cory Jordan Nice work!! May 2022 $10.40
  • Aneena Ananth May 2022 $104.00
  • Lisa Cerci God bless you! Mrs. Cerci May 2022 $76.54
  • Elisabeth Gerdes It's a privilege to donate to you, Sophia! Lisa Gerdes May 2022 $52.00
  • Mekha Jacob God bless you Sophy! May 2022 $20.00
  • Cory Jordan Nice work!! May 2022 $10.40