Juliann's Fundraising Page

Running in Support of Type 1 Diabetes Care!

On December 26, 1993 I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.  As a 10 year old it was something that I didn't completely know how to process and the day and diagnosis forever changed my life. Since then not a day, or a minute, has gone by that I am not thinking about my blood sugar.  There have been many ups and downs since then and I was lucky to avoid any major complications until last August, when I experienced my first ambulance ride and spent a weekend in the ICU for Diabetes Ketoacidosis.  This was one of the most frightening, and eye opening experiences since my diagnosis.  It reminded me how serious diabetes is, and how you remain vulnerable well into adulthood.  It re-focused my energy on my health, and re-ignited my passion to fundraise for diabetes care.  

A few years ago I met Abbie Nelson, a Type 1 Diabetic who has received all of her care at Children's Minnesota. Abbie is my role model and my inspiration, my dia-bestie.  Through Abbie and her mom Martha I learned more about the work Children's does for diabetics, and their goals for the future.  I decided to get involved and this past year I joined the Diabetes Care Transformation Project Task Force through Children's.  

The Task Force is a group of passionate community members raising awareness and funds for the work they are doing at Children's to change the way care is provided for kids with Type 1 Diabetes.  Together we are working to make it possible for kids who are diagnosed with Type 1 to grow into healthy adults and be ready for the cure, when it becomes available.  It is incredible and I am so proud to be a part of it!  

Now, I'm taking it to the next level : On October 9th, 2016 I will be running 26.2 miles as part of Team Superstars - raising money in support of Children's Hospital, and specifically the Diabetes program.  I am beyond excited (and a little scared!) to run my very first marathon, but even more excited that I am able to run in support of something I care so much about!  

Thank you in advance for your love and support!

XO Juliann





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My Supporters

  • Sherrie Mazur Happy running, Juliann!! August 2016 $50.00
  • Eric Schulte August 2016 $100.00
  • Christine Denicola August 2016 $50.00
  • Anonymous August 2016
  • Char Loving August 2016
  • Anonymous February 2016 $400.00
  • Teddy Luce February 2016 $250.00
  • Dayton Nelson Family So proud of you Juliann. You are our Superstar! February 2016 $250.00
  • Eric Schulte August 2016 $100.00
  • Kate Stonestrom So excited for you Juliann! Wish I was able to run with you, but Matt, Freyja and I will be cheering you on!! August 2016 $100.00

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