Please support our team, as we DEFEND the POTENTIAL of kids in our community! 


Alexandra Lee, Captain

Amber Allen

Kayla Allen

Peyton Allen

Rob Allen

Jacklyn Betke

Carla Creamer

Gavin Creamer

Andre Donald

Rosalie Edwards

Tony Fisher-Howell

Katrina Stanfield

Leslie Vinson-Clipp





of your goal reached

Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Sharae Jones April 2024
  • Andre Donald April 2024 $30.00
  • JACKLYN BETKE Via Citi April 2024 $60.00
  • Robert Allen This donation covers Rob, Amber, Peyton and Kayla Allen April 2024
  • Les Clipp April 2024 $60.00
  • JACKLYN BETKE Via Citi April 2024 $60.00
  • Les Clipp April 2024 $60.00
  • Andre Donald April 2024 $30.00
  • Anonymous April 2024 $30.00
  • Katrina Stanfield April 2024 $30.00