Training a service dog to meet our child’s requirements can be very costly. On average it costs between $40,000-60,000 to raise, train, and place a service dog at 4 Paws for Ability. While 4 Paws for Ability fundraises to help cover a significant portion of this cost, families are tasked with raising $20,000 of that amount or $23,000 if receiving a poodle, doodle or papillon. We hope that we can receive assistance from our beloved family and friends to help make our service dog dream a reality.
Please help us get Decklan a Service Dog. Decklan is 9 years old and has Down Syndrome and Autism. He is a sweet, loving, and happy boy but needs a companion to keep him safe. He wants to be more independent but is unaware of dangers and needs extra guidance. A service dog will be able to guide him away from danger and self harm. He has developed inhibiting fears, his service dog will be able to calm him so he can enjoy all the community has to offer. The service dog will also make his many doctor visits less stressful, currently they bring him to tears nearly every time. We appreciate any donation you are willing to give, every little bit helps in our journey. Below is more information on the organization we will be getting the service dog from. Not only will you be helping Decklan but also his family! Conner, his 11-year-old big brother, has taken on so much trying to watch over his little brother. Decklan’s parents are two Marine Corps veterans who work full time while trying to take Decklan to his daily appointments and specialists.