RSDSA's 5th Virtual CRPS Awareness Walk   ○   Campbell Crew

Kristine Campbell

April 2, 2024 1:00pm - December 31, 2024 11:59pm

Kristine's RSDSA's Fundraising Page

Many years ago, I was working as a Senior Research Associate for Campbell Soup. I absolutely loved my career and enjoyed getting up and going to work each morning. To me it wasn't work because I was truly doing what I loved to do. One day, while working in one of our pilot plants, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was involved in a serious accident, in which I sustained a crush injury. After the accident happened, I thought I had a normal injury that would take time to heal. However, rather than getting better the pain and symptoms got worse and spread beyond the original injury site. I learned I developed a neurological disease called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), formerly known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). CRPS is a chronic neurological-inflammatory disorder which is classified as a rare disorder by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). CRPS occurs when the nervous system and the immune system malfunction as they respond to tissue damage from trauma. The nerves misfire, sending constant pain signals to the brain. The level of pain is measured as one of the most severe on the Mc Gill Pain scale, rating higher than amputation, childbirth, back pain, and even cancer. Some of the symptoms are swelling, temperature changes, color changes, sensitivity to touch, joint pain, muscle spams, difficulty initiating movement, fatigue, trouble sleeping, and internal organ involvement. No matter what I will always choose to stay positive and will never let CRPS take my spirit! I have a strong faith and am grateful to have had God with me every step of the way. God has given me so many blessings along the way. Those blessings are there for everyone. I believe in keeping your eyes and ears open, so that you can see and hear them, each and every day. I am also blessed to have great doctors that have developed a treatment plan that has been working for me. This multi-disciplinary team of doctors have always been there for me and have never given up on me. I am super thankful to be surround by a family that is so supportive. With all that being said, I am so happy there are organizations out there, like the RSDSA. RSDSA is the "go to" organization for CRPS and we need your help in finding a cure! The RSDSA is a 501 (C) not for profit & all donations are tax deductible (EIN 22-2559139). Every dollar donated to the RSDSA makes a difference. They are raising funds to find better treatments, and hopefully find a cure, for CRPS. They help improve the quality of life for those affected by CRPS, by providing education, advocacy, and hope. From signs and symptoms, to being diagnosed, to living with it long term, they share information on health and lifestyle information, for those affected by CRPS, as well as their caregivers. Since CRPS can be very isolating, they ensure that those affected are not alone. They built a strong community that host informative conferences, provide info on mentoring and support groups, and help sufferers take back control of their lives. I will be participating in the RSDSA's 5th Virtual CRPS Awareness Walk, on June 14th. Please note our team will be walking on a different date than the posted 6/15 date. Since it is a virtual walk you can choose your own date and time to walk. If you would like to participate, we would love to have you join our team. We will be meeting at my sister's house, Friday 6/14, at 5:30 pm. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know, so I can make sure to give you the address and any updates for the walk. You do not need to register to walk. You can simply join us on the walk. If you would like to donate, please click on the button "donate now". THANKS FOR READING MY STORY!





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Anonymous Offline donations (cash) 3 weeks ago $46.80
  • Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians 3 weeks ago $500.00
  • Joseph Campbell Stay strong Kristine! Love , Mom & Dad 3 weeks ago $103.99
  • Liza Palestrini You're an amazing and strong woman Kris!! Love you, Liza and Carl 3 weeks ago $25.00
  • Danielle Sampson Sending you lots of love! - Dani and Molly Sampson. 4 weeks ago $26.00
  • Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians 3 weeks ago $500.00
  • Kristine Campbell Last month $104.99
  • Joseph Campbell Stay strong Kristine! Love , Mom & Dad 3 weeks ago $103.99
  • Melanie Knofel 5 weeks ago $103.99
  • Mary Comerford 5 weeks ago $103.99

My Teammates