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  • Anonymous February 2023
  • Anonymous Ava Konchek January 2023
  • Anonymous Go forth and build awesome things! January 2023
  • Anonymous January 2023
  • Anonymous January 2023

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Building Expansion





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I believe there is something inside of each of us that desires to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We have a yearning to make a difference in the world, beginning in our communities. I knew a man, who at age one hundred, was still planting oak trees.  He knew he would never see those trees grow to maturity, but he was investing in the future. 

There can perhaps be no greater investment, no greater difference to be made, than to invest in a child. At New Covenant Christian Academy, we are investing daily in the education and character development of children and teens, and we thank you for partnering with us in that investment as you participate in this online gala. 

In 2012, my wife, Susan, and I had a vision to see the community transformed, in part, through the formation of a school. The congregation of the Fresh Wind Christian Community embraced the idea and has embraced New Covenant Christian Academy as one of its key ministries. The “Big Red Barn” was purchased and renovated to be home to both church and school and the school officially began to operate in the fall of 2015. Future building additions are planned for the “Big Red Barn” to accommodate future growth, as we presently have numerous potential students on a waiting list. 

I know of no other place quite like New Covenant Christian Academy, where we strive to see a community transformed through the transformation and growth of children and teens. Our incredible faculty, staff and volunteers are helping each child rise to his or her God given potential, both academically and Spiritually. Classical Christian Education, taught from a Biblical worldview, is one of the best ways I have encountered to prepare future leaders for the challenges facing our culture. We are preparing these incredible students to bring much wisdom, leadership and faith into the culture and the community. 

Love, mutual respect and a commitment to excellence are at the core of our daily life at the New Covenant Christian Academy. If you are ever able to visit, you will be amazed by the joy and incredible engagement between students and staff and volunteers. It’s a safe, edifying and God honoring environment which allows each student to grow and thrive.

We desire to enroll as many students as possible who wish to experience this wonderful and specific form of education, regardless of financial ability, so we work to keep tuition affordable and offer financial assistance to those needing extra help. We accept no government funding or assistance, so we rely on the generosity of likeminded and forward-thinking people like you to make attending New Covenant Christian Academy a reality for those students and families who might not otherwise get to enroll in such a place as this. Your participation in this online event will be truly living bigger than yourselves, as you participate in the development of world changers!

Thank you and God Bless,

Pastor Chuck