AAKP 5th Annual Fun Walk
Taking Steps Toward a Healthier Mind & Body!
This year’s AAKP Fun Walk will be hosted December 4-8, 2023, and will include daily virtual activities participants can take part in Dec. 4-8.
“Casual Cruiser” |
“Moving Along” |
“Keeping the Pace” |
$20 |
$25 |
*T-shirt sizes are available on a first come, first served basis.
Virtual Activities – Whether you are based in the U.S. or across the globe, AAKP has made it easy for you to join in on the fun! Show your support by participating in the following activities held Dec. 4 – 8:
- “Count your steps” challenge.
- Participate in virtual “Mind and Body” OnDemand sessions.
- Join in on the social media activities.
- Raise funds to support AAKP’s programs and services!
MONDAY: Mindful Monday | Check out AAKP’s OnDemand Virtual Mind and Body videos and articles to expand your mind and support your mental health! Share your favorite mind and body tip or quote on social media and use the hashtag #AAKPFunWalk23!
TUESDAY: Tasty Tuesday | Feed your body and support your physical health by trying some new AAKP Delicious! kidney-friendly recipes! Tell us your favorite recipe or share a selfie of you cooking using the hashtag #AAKPFunWalk23
WEDNESDAY: Workout Wednesday | Check out AAKP’s OnDemand Virtual Mind and Body videos that will help you get up and get moving! Wear your AAKP Fun Walk t-shirt, post a selfie, and tag us using #AAKPFunWalk23!
THURSDAY: Throwback Thursday | Have fun while getting in your steps! Grab those leg warmsers and dress in your favorite (or funniest!) workout gear for your walk or activities and post it to social media to make people smile and inspire others to join along. Be sure to tag us at #AAKPFunWalk23!
FRIDAY: Friendship Friday | Invite a friend to take a walk with you! Don't forget to snap a photo together and post it to social media using #AAKPFunWalk23!
It’s #AAKPFUNWALK23! Don’t miss out!
Questions? Contact us at info@aakp.org or (800) 749-AAKP (2257)!
Top Donors
1 Pabon Engineering Inc $530.00
2 AVR Contractors Corp $530.00
3 WARREN ALTER $200.00
4 Pablo Gonzalez $106.00
5 Evelene Adams $106.00
Recent Activity
Julian Andrades donated $50.00 to Christine Hernandez
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Dionet soto donated $10.60 to Christine Hernandez
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Miami Fresh Renovations donated $100.00 to Elizabeth Kugler
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Jonathan Bursevich donated $106.00 to Elizabeth Kugler
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Tina Ricci donated $26.50 to Roberta Reed
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Jennifer Jones registered
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