After a confusing illness, I was diagnosed with ALK+ Lung Cancer in January 2024. I am doing very well with my treatment. I take a TKI - Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor twice a day and it keeps the cancer from replicating. As this type of cancer will "inevitably mutate" causing the treatment to be ineffective, it is critical to my life and the 100,000 annually diagnosed that we are supporting the search for next treatments and a cure. This cancer has no known cause. 55% are women, 85% are non-smokers, 50% are under 50 when diagnosed. There are children with ALK + lung cancer. I had no idea! It shows what the reasonably educated know about lung cancer and why it is the least funded. is a support and advocacy group that "sponsors crucial clinical trials, fosters collaborations among top minds in cancer research and drive innovation that will redefine the landscape of cancer treatment." The money you give goes directly to this organization which is dedicated to a cure. Please consider donating, nothing too small!