ALK Positive Fundraiser.

PVolve Upper Saddle River

On December 26, 2019 I was diagnosed with a Brain Aneurysm. I had lost my only sibling, my brother to a ruptured one he didn't know he had. So fortunately I found out and could have a craniotomy to prevent rupture. This ironically is how my journey began. During routine scans for pre surgery a nodule was found in my lung. Being a non smoker, I was not too concerned. A biopsy on the nodule confirmed malignancy. It was very difficult to obtain care at this time because it was the beginning of the Covid Pandemic. I finally was able to get a Pet Scan and was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. My brain surgery was placed on hold until my doctors could determine the best course of action for me as I faced two life threatening issues. Biomarker testing was completed which revealed I had ALK Positive Lung Cancer. There is no cure for ALK but there is treatment to give more time. I started a Targeted Therapy Drug and was on that for six weeks then my doctors thought it best for me to have my craniotomy to repair the aneurysm as they didn't want me to die from that while fighting Lung Cancer. After recuperating from an 8 hour brain surgery, I started IV Chemotherapy and Radiation for 3 months. When that was completed I was placed back on my Targeted Therapy. I have been stable since but this cancer can progress at any moment. I became very depressed and sought out help to get me through my trying time. With that help and the support of my family and friends, I grew stronger and embraced my disease with a mission to fight and inspire. I did not want Cancer to rob me anymore than it already had. So I pulled myself up got in shape started exercising programs such as Pilates and PVolve. I met the most amazing people who have supported me on journey and gave me the strength I need to get through each and every day. My goal is to raise money for better treatment and better outcomes and to help find a cure for this deadly disease. In the meantime I am embracing my life and grateful for each and every moment of it!





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