Lung Cancer Warriors!!

Same Ole Story...

Geesh, this post-COVID cough will NOT go away.

Ugh, I really need to start working out again, 2 flights of stairs are winding me.

That was a weird sensation in my chest... wrong side for a heart attack, so I'm fine.

I am so tired of coughing... where are those cough drops??

Am I really out of breath from talking on the phone????

All that, one trip to the doctor, and an x-ray showing a LARGE mass in my left lung started me on my cancer journey. It hasn’t been all bad – I get the fun sensation of peeing myself every 3 months during my CT scan, I’m learning to cook fish, and I got membership in this elite ALK+ lung cancer club. Now, I don’t remember applying to be a part of this club but apparently that doesn’t matter.

Almost two years later and here I am celebrating another LCAM, asking all of you to help me by donating money to further the research and therefore the lives of those living with ALK+ cancers.  There will be future ALKies but we’re striving for a day when those diagnosed with ALK+ cancer are CURED. I’m thankful to the ALKies that have walked this road before me and all their supporters who’ve made the research possible that is giving me a better NOW and many more mornings walking with my dog to get a latte.





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