Team Lia
Lia Autumn Vant was born on September 9, 2017.
As we welcomed our baby girl into the world, we noticed there was something different about her. She had several birthmarks covering her body. No big deal. Then when we held her for the first time, we realized that Lia had a very large, dark birthmark covering a large portion of her head. When asked what it was, the Dr simply replied " It's a birthmark". After a long, hard labor, I was completely exhausted and confused. I kept asking myself, " How can this be happening?" I was so grateful to have a healthy and beautiful baby girl, but I couldn't help but feel worried and upset that my baby girl was different. Later that day, the pediatrician came in and told Eddie and I that Lia has a Congenital Melanocytic Nevus. He explained that although Lia is a very healthy baby, she should have an MRI done to make sure that there are no abnormalities. Children born with a large CMN can also have melanocytes on the brain and spinal cord, a condition called Neurocutaneous Melanocytosis, which can cause seizures and other medical problems.
Fast forward 21 months later...We have consulted with the top doctors in the country that have extensive knowledge in Large Nevi. Lia had an MRI done at 1 month old to rule out NCM. We consulted with several surgeons, and decided to move forward with removal. Last September, we flew to Chicago, and Lia had her first round of skin expanders placed in her head to stretch her skin. Her surgeon then took the "new" skin created and used it in place of the birthmark. This year, Lia will have another round of skin expanders and surgery to continue the removal process.
We are so blessed to have a the most beautiful, healthy, amazing baby girl that we could possibly ask for.
Nevus Outreach was a tremendous help for us to not only learn more about CMN, but to also find doctors and support along the way. Team Lia will be participating in the 5K to bring awareness to and raise money for the research of Congenital Melanocytic Nevi.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Katherine Calienni September 2019 $26.00
- Victor and Amaryllis From vic and amaryllis September 2019 $52.00
- Zachary Jen Danny Mundo September 2019
- Nadine Hansen God Bless You All!! September 2019 $26.00
- Paul Funaro Good lucky Ryan family!! September 2019 $20.80
- Joseph Schumski September 2019 $100.00
- David Reilly Jessica and Eddie, Hope you reach your goal! Good luck, Dave August 2019 $100.00
- Peter Gargiulo July 2019 $100.00
- Victor and Amaryllis From vic and amaryllis September 2019 $52.00
- Joseph and Ashley Pagano September 2019 $52.00