Brian's Fundraising Page

I need YOUR help...

I was diagnosisd with Young Onset Parkinsson's 1 month after turning 48, in January 2017. SInce then I've formed the support group SEAYOPD in 2018 and joined the board of direrctors for the APDA NW chapter in 2019.

While it's been 7+ years now. I still struggle every day through motor and non motor symptoms. Parkinson slowly robs the brain of the ability to control the voluntary and unvolentary functions of my body. Just think about that for a moment, and apply it to every movent you make. Sitting type this text trying to get my fingers to the correct keys,  to running to the bathroom so you don't piss your pants when you didn't have to go 30 second before. EVERY BODY and BRAIN function is eventually impacted by this uncurable degenrative diease and that's WHY I NEED YOU HELP! 

Thank you for visiting my Fundraising Page for the APDA Optimism Walk!  Please help me reach my goal by making an easy online gift today!

Need some encouragement? 

  • Every six minutes someone is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (PD).
  • Funds raised enable the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) to continue providing local education, information, and support, as well as critical nationwide virtual programs to keep everyone supported and connected no matter where they live. You will also help fund scientific research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and ultimately a cure.
  • The more funds we raise, the more people we can help!

Today can be a great day for us both, and for the PD community! Simply make an easy online donation by clicking on the 'Support Me/Donate Now" button. Any amount is appreciated. You will automatically receive a confirmation email and I will be notified by email of your support.

Thank you so much for your generosity. Together, we are truly making a difference for those in need!

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My Supporters

  • Facebook Donor 6 days ago $51.52
  • Facebook Donor 6 days ago $51.52
  • Facebook Donor 6 days ago $100.00
  • Brian Harris 1 week ago $104.00
  • Brian Harris 1 week ago $104.00
  • Facebook Donor 6 days ago $100.00
  • Facebook Donor 6 days ago $51.52
  • Facebook Donor 6 days ago $51.52

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