Our Team Fundraising Page


My name is Leanne King Devitt.  I thank you for considering a donation to our walk because as difficult as I find fundraising to be this is a cause I feel passionate about.  

In the early 2000's I first began volunteering for the APDA NW because a friend (and her husband with PD) were very involved in the organization and they were great recruiters.  Then in 2006 my husband Randy was diagnosed with PD and we began our own journey of learning to live life with Parkinson's Disease.  Eventually I joined the APDA NW Board of Directors and became very involved with their programming and facilitating a number of support groups.  Through the years we have developed a wonderful sense of community as we continue to meet people and are inspired by people on this journey as well.  This is an organization that does a wonderful job of offering programs for so many interests as well as education and support opportunities.  This is an organization that I will overcome my reluctance for fundraising and ask you to offer some support.

Some information for you to keep in mind as you consider your pledge:

  • Every six minutes someone is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
  • Funds raised enable the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) to continue providing local education, information, and support to those touched by PD in our community and fund scientific research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and ultimately the cure.
  • The more funds we raise, the more people we can help!

You can make an easy online donation by clicking on the Roster tab, selecting a team member, and then just click on the 'Support Me' button on their fundraising page. You will automatically receive a confirmation email and we will be notified by email of your support. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity. Together we are truly making a difference for those in need!

Team Fundraising Achievements





of your goal reached









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Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Bob Dixon 12 hours ago $1,560.00
  • Paula Buty 3 days ago $104.00
  • Katy Killory 3 days ago $104.00
  • Lynne McNulty 3 days ago $5,000.00
  • Doris Martin 3 days ago $52.00
  • Lynne McNulty 3 days ago $5,000.00
  • Bob Dixon 12 hours ago $1,560.00
  • Barry Chernick Last month $250.00
  • Paula Buty 3 days ago $104.00
  • Katy Killory 3 days ago $104.00