Why We Dance...

"I love the great work that The Arc does in our community to ensure that those with developmental disabilities are offered the resources to achieve success on their terms. When our family received the diagnosis that my nephew Landon tested on the autism spectrum, we knew that we had to surround ourselves with a community that was focused on providing him with every opportunity to grow into the incredible young man he is today. Knowing that the vision of The Arc is to be that community, to be that resource, for every family in Washington County that experiences that same diagnosis made saying yes to participating in this year's fundraiser a joy and an honor. Every dollar donated goes to ensuring that our Washington County members with developmental disabilities have the resources they need to live their fullest lives." – Ashton Vattelana

"I'm excited to participate in this unique competition with other community members to raise awareness for The Arc of Washington County and the great work they do within our community. I wasn't aware of the many services that they provide to our disabled community so that each person can have the quality of life they prefer. After touring the facility on Florida Avenue, it is apparent that The Arc is a place to call home for so many individuals." – Trevor Frederick

of your goal reached

How does voting work?

Every dollar is a vote towards your favorite dance duo. You are allowed to vote as many times as you would like to help the dancers reach their team goal. 

Team winner will be announced at the event on October 19th. 

Each dance team determine their own goal. This thermometer does not indicate which team is in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. 

Come watch us dance!

Purchase tickets today

Every $ is a Vote