Help us purchase an Assisi Loop for Lucy and her friends!

Lucy is a six year old Sharpei mix who came to us in August of 2016. Lucy came with an old injury to her neck that causes her a lot of pain. We're not sure how she was injured, but she has several vertebrae fused together in her neck. It causes her neck to be very painful some days and due to that, she has handling sensitivities. When people try and touch her head and neck area, she is liable to snap at them. A vet recommended that we purchase the Assisi Loop for her, which is intended to reduce swelling in her neck and make her more comfortable. The loop uses electromagnetic fields to reduce swelling. 

We believe that the animals in our care - many of whom are older or have medical needs - would truly benefit from this tool! Please donate to help us purchase an Assisi Loop.

Funds raised above and beyond the cost of the Assisi Loop will go to our Help Me Heal fund to help supplement the costs of medical bills for our animals.

"The Assisi Loop has been proven to reduce pain and inflammation and has been cleared by the FDA for palliative treatment of post-operative edema and pain in humans. It can markedly increase blood flow and tissue oxygenation, which improves the overall tissue health and reduces pain associated with lack of sufficient oxygen. The Assisi Loop offers all animals a safe pain management technology. "

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