Aging Services

2021 Impact

Your gift during the 2021 Associate Month of Giving helped support 120 additional Brief Neurological Examinations (BNE) for seniors.

A BNE consists of an array of psychological tests and a CT scan that, taken together, give us an idea of how a patient’s brain is functioning – or failing. Therapies may then be tailored to help.

At the Health First Memory Disorder Clinic, there are more patients in need of BNE’s than grant money to facilitate them.  With the support of donations to the Associate Month of Giving campaign, the Health First Memory Disorder Clinic is able to provide 26% more baseline neurological examinations this year.

Gifts to 2021 AMG also helped purchase blanket warmers so that Aging Services patients won’t get chilled during their appointments.


2020 Impact

The 2020 Associate Giving program helped fund resource books for caregivers classes (now virtual) at Center for Family Caregivers. The Center for Family Caregivers is a service of Health First Aging Services, to assist our most vulnerable patients and families as they navigate through the aging process. All programs and materials are free of charge.