Why I Give

We posed this question to our AMG Goodness Gurus. Here's what they had to say.

Debbie Carpenter

I give because I think it’s important to give back especially if you have been blessed.  There are so many others that can use the help and it doesn’t matter how big or small of a gift you can give.  It all gets used to support the people in our community.

Michael Carr

Why I Give? In America, we have so much, even though it may not always seem like it. Compared to other parts of the world, we are blessed with abundance.  At one point or another, we’ve all needed encouragement or support. None of us have gotten to where we are on our own.  Giving back to our communities embodies the values our country holds dear. It’s my privilege!

Annie Clayton-Orrison

I was interested in becoming a Giving Guru because the Foundation actually helped me at a time when I was a single mom. I have never forgotten what it was like to have that assistance when I needed it, and I'm so incredibly grateful that I'm part of an organization that supports associates in times of need. Philanthropy has always been a huge part of my life! Since the age of five until I was 19, every summer was comprised of medical mission trips, primarily to third world countries. We built schools, churches, orphanages and ran medical clinics. While my father was a physician and provided a comfortable lifestyle for us at home, it was very important to my parents that we understood how greatly we were blessed, and in turn bless others. While I haven't continued these kinds of travels as an adult, these experiences have ingrained within me a desire to give back whenever and however I can. Sometimes, that's monetarily, others it's my time or a kind word. I give because success to me is to have left the world a little bit better than I found it, and that starts by encouraging and supporting those around us.

Angie Coggeshall

I give because others have given to me. As Winston Churchill once said, We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

Renee Faulkner

Why I give – I believe that giving is essential.  My parents taught my brothers and I to give from a young age.  We helped others by lending a hand doing yard work, household chores, and cleaning for elderly folks.  I still remember the faces of those receiving service. Giving is a way we can simply help those around us. Not long ago, I was on the receiving end of the generosity from others.  I fell into difficult times and was worried how we’d get by.  My daughter and I are forever grateful for those that stepped in to assist. You never know what financial hardships or obstacles others are truly facing.  Remember, whether it’s giving time, money, a meal, supplies, or a shoulder to lean on we can all make a difference. 

Michele Godfrey

I grew up in a family of 6.  I have 2 sisters and 1 brother.  My father was a barber, and my mom was a stay-at-home mom.  My parents instilled is us the importance of always giving back to our community. When I got married and had children(2 girls) my husband and I wanted to pass this along to our children.  We would participate in many outreach opportunities through our church.  Serving at the Homeless shelter, Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes, Mission’s Trips etc.  In 2019 my husband suffered a massive stroke which reduced our income by 90 %.  I was overwhelmed by the support I received from my church family as well as my Health First Team.  They rallied around us, and I saw from the receiving side, and it was a truly amazing experience.  We are now in 2023 and my husband and I are continuing to serve and give of our time and monetary support as much as we can.

Lora Morse

For me, giving has always been something my family has done. Whether it was collecting money and toys at our family celebrations to donate to local charities or joined together to participate in local walking events, we learned to appreciate the importance of giving back to our community. Just last year, my reason to give hit home when my husband and I were eating at a local restaurant and he started choking. We were blessed to have an angel there to help us, a woman who was a respiratory therapist on a break from seeing a family member at one of our hospitals. When I tried to pay for her meal to thank her, she refused to accept any gift for something she didn't see as extraordinary. She saved his life! It made me realize how many angels I work with every day who would do the same thing given the same circumstances. So, for me, giving during the AMG is my way of giving back to the angels among us. It's my way of saying thank you!

Marcia Phillips

“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you have accomplished…Its about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” This quote by Denzel Washington  sums up my philosophy about giving. I give  because I recognize that I am  blessed to have the access and support that. I enjoy and see it as a privilege to  be able to  sow into the lives of others by supporting Health First Foundation Associate Month of Giving.

Jo Powell

I give to create change in a life or community. Giving creates a continuous ripple, touching so many lives! Please create a ripple or an ocean full of waves. You can make a significant impact no matter the size!

Kelly Robinson-Escoffery

I give as a part of my faith and family traditions. Growing up, we were always taught that a portion of everything we receive is supposed to go back to serve others. That is the true purpose of community.

Erica Ross

I give because so much has been given to me.

Deni Spencer

I feel called to give because I have witnessed firsthand the significant impact on a persons life a small donation can make. Small acts of kindness inspire others to be the best version of themselves and grow a culture of compassion and support for our colleagues and our community.