My Personal Fundraising Page
I want to express my heartfelt thanks for taking a moment to visit my fundraising page.
I would like to share our story so you understand better why this is so important for us !
Me and my husband Daniel tried to become parents for a long time. When we learned we were pregnant with our Rainbow baby, we were beyond happy. Family and friends could not have been happier for us as this was something we had dreamed about for a long time. Things were going perfect.
We discovered we were having a girl and within a couple of days we named her Miranda Cristina. On the 20 week scan, we received the words no parent should ever hear, “There is something wrong with your daughter’s heart”. It took us some time to digest all the information we received. There were many weeks of tears and prayers. Miranda was not only missing half of her heart (Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome HRHS), but was also missing the tricuspid valve (also known as tricuspid atresia) and had transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA), three complex congenital heart defects that would require three open heart surgeries to survive. There is not cure for CHD and is very possible that Miranda will need and Heart Transplant in the Future
Saying we were scared when she was born is an understatement, but Miranda has shown us she is a real Heart Warrior. Miranda is now 8 years old and had 3 open heart surgeries, the first 2 in her first six months of life. If you see her on the streets, you would never guess how complex her heart is and how much she has been through. We know the future will bring some challenges but we have learned to live one day at a time and to celebrate every single milestone in life. We want to create awareness because 1/100 babies are born with congenital heart defects but little funding goes to research. There is no cure for CHD but research will provide a better future for her and for all her current Heart friends.
Every 15 minutes in the United States, a baby is born with a congenital heart defect, making CHDs the most common birth defect in our country. The Congenital Heart Walk is dedicated to making a difference. Our mission is clear - we aim to raise funds to support The Children's Heart Foundation in its quest to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of CHDs by funding groundbreaking research.
We invite you to join us in this mission. By supporting our team or even walking with us, you're contributing to research that can save and enhance the lives of infants born with CHDs, as well as children and adults living with these conditions. Your support makes a significant impact, and for that, we want to say a heartfelt thank you.
Will you join us in making a real difference? Please consider supporting our team or walking with us. Every step we take brings us closer to improving the lives of those affected by congenital heart defects
Thank you for your support !
My Badges
Heart Aware
Awarded when Anyone reaches $75.00 in donations
Awarded 08/23/2024
Heart Friend
Awarded when Anyone reaches $150.00 in donations
Awarded 08/23/2024
First Donation
Awarded when Anyone receives 1 or more donations
Awarded 08/23/2024
Heart Hero
Awarded when Anyone reaches $500.00 in donations
Awarded 08/25/2024
Heart Warrior
Awarded when Anyone reaches $1,000.00 in donations
Awarded 08/26/2024
Heart Champion
Awarded when Anyone reaches $2,500.00 in donations
Awarded 09/16/2024
Fundraising Achieved
Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded 09/27/2024
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Anonymous Last month $10.00
- Anonymous Last month $10.00
- Anonymous Last month $10.00
- Anonymous Last month $10.00
- Anonymous November 2024 $10.00
- Lorena Ferro Te Amo mi Pompa I am so Proud of you !!! August 2024 $257.50
- Sebastian Borges Ferro September 2024 $250.00
- Pat Pascarella August 2024 $250.00
- Katiuska Malave Con todo mi cariño para colaborar con las investigaciones para la cura de las enfermedades congénitas del corazón ❤️y en honor a nuestra preciosa y querida Miranda September 2024 $103.00
- Angela Milazzo September 2024 $103.00
My Teammates
Lorena Ferro Team Captain $3,394.98
Daniel Borges $2,542.75
Yoly Ripepi $154.50
Jeannette Rodriguez $100.00
Lilian Fodor Ferro $100.00
Sylvie Long $100.00
Aubrey Adams $75.00
Adele Adams $75.00
Carlos Rodriguez $0.00
Zoraida Rincon $0.00
Daniela Carrasquero $0.00
Evelin Carrasquero $0.00
Ernesto Carrasquero $0.00
Mario Davila $0.00
Juanita Ripepi $0.00
Clover Davila $0.00
Meghann Adams $0.00
Christopher Adams $0.00
Sujey Lo Monaco $0.00
Piero Lo Monaco $0.00
Fabrizio Lo Monaco $0.00
Jean Marco Lo Monaco $0.00