Please Select An Option

  • 2024 Gala Ticket

    1 ticket to 2024 Austin's Hope Gala

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  • Virtual Silent Auction Bidder ONLY. Not Attending Event.

    Bid in the silent auction from home if you can't attend in-person!

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  • Individual Sponsor

    Two event tickets, acknowledgement at event

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  • Corporate Sponsorship--Bronze

    Four event tickets, Logo placed on digital signage at event, Social Media recognition, Logo on website for 3 months

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  • Corporate Sponsorship--Silver

    Six event tickets, Logo placed on digital signage at event, Social Media recognition, Logo on website for 6 months

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  • Corporate Sponsorship--Gold

    Eight event tickets, One reserved table at event, Logo in event program, Verbal recognition during the event, Logo will be featured on signage and digital screens, Social Media recognition with boosted ads, Logo on website for 12 months

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  • Corporate Sponsorship--Platinum

    1 Available

    Twelve event tickets, Two reserved tables at event, Logo in event program, Verbal recognition during the event, Logo will receive prominent placement on signage & digital screens, Social Media recognition with boosted ads, Logo on website for 12 months, Case of Austin Hope Cabernet, Mentioned in pre and post event emails, text messages and other communications

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Order Summary

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  • 1 x Package Name


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$0.00 Total Amount To Be Charged