Thank you for participating in our 13th Annual Bark on the Beach! Here are tips to maximize your fundraising:

Fundraising Tips

Fundraise in Lieu of Gifts

Birthday parties, anniversaries and holidays – are perfect reasons for helping out ARRI animals. In lieu of gifts this summer, extend an ask on behalf of your furry friends! 

Social Media & Network

Your registration will set up a fundraising page, and you can share the link with friends and family via social media, email, or text. Add the link to your fundraising page to your email signature. Share your page however you like and watch the donations roll in!

Follow ARRI

Make sure you follow Animal Rescue Rhode Island on social media. We post all the time, and sharing our posts can help your friends and family get to know us better! We often share impactful animal stories that you can use to highlight the work we do and why you are fundraising for Bark on the Beach! 

Get the Ball Rolling

Nobody likes to be first. If you make the first donation, others are more likely to get involved.

Tell Your Story to Potential Supporters 

Let others know why you believe in ARRI. A compelling message will convey to others why this cause matters to you!

Fun Ways to Raise

The Coffee Swap

If you have 100 friends on Facebook, and you asked each one of them to give up one trip to a coffee shop and donate that money to the pets at ARRI instead, you could raise over $500 with this simple request! Giving your social media network an easy and small ask like this can pay off in a big way!

Host Your Own Event or Yard Sale

Hosting an "Old School" event like a Bake Sale, Car Wash or Neighborhood Raffle can be a super effective way to help fundraise for ARRI. These oldies but goodies are classics for a reason - they work!

Office Olympics

Hold events like typing competitions, swivel chair races, staple pull contests, a stress ball toss, a water cooler drinking game, etc. Ask all athletes to pay an entry fee.

Matching Gifts 

Many companies already have a matching gift program. Ask your company to match what you raise. This is an easy way to double your funds

Keep Everyone Updated

We live in a busy world, and your friends and family are just as "on the go" as you are! Be sure to keep everyone updated on how your fundraising is going so they are invested in your efforts & more likely to donate.