On May 17, 2020, Elim's historic Covered Bridge collapsed into the floodwaters of Tinley Creek, which crosses the middle of Elim’s main campus in Crestwood, Illinois.  The Elim community was heartbroken at the loss of the bridge - not just because it was such an icon, but because it served so many important purposesElim's students, adults, and staff benefitted from that bridge.

We are grateful to announce that we have received gifts and commitments sufficient to fully fund the bridge’s reconstruction. However, we hope to use any excess funds received to complete a study of the creek that runs through Elim’s campus in order to address erosion control issues and to potentially create a safe and welcoming way for our students and adults to enjoy their beautiful feature of our Crestwood campus. 


Elim’s ministry means a lot to many, many people. That’s why we have been blessed with many donations in honor or in memory of loved ones who cared greatly about what Elim does and what it stands for. Those donors are listed below alongside the dedication they made along with their gift. Please consider making a donation in honor or in memory of someone that loved Elim’s ministry, or who was blessed by its work.

Name:  In honor/memory of: 
Glenda Masselink William J. Masselink, D.D.S
Bob and Sandy Hoekstra  God Bless the Children of Elim
Butch and Barb Bruinius Dorothy Bruinius - Sidney Kamp
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hoekstra Jennie Aardsma 
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Klompien Jerry and John Steenwyk (who built the first Elim covered bridge) 
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Visser Tina Visser 
Mr. & Mrs. Nick De Vries Nikki De Vries 
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Koldenhoven

George Koldenhoven 

Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Bussema Florence Bussema
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ooms, Jr.  William Hollaar
Mr. & Mrs. John Galvin Robert Quinn
Mr. Henry Huizenga Marsha Huizenga
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Barczak The School
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett B. Zandstra Jay Zandstra
William and Laura Louis Christina Farquhar 
Mr. Arvin Gossman Marilyn Gossman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Liske Lori Liske
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Miltzow Laura Jane Haitsma
Erik Nelson Everyone involved with Elim
Susan Mooi Lucy Toering
James Achterhof & Arlene Bandstra Ellyn Lubbers
Grace Van Der Laan Jerry Van Der Laan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Ulrich Annette Marie Ulrich
Jim and Brigitte Bailey Maggie Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Gard Corneila Kikkert
Gloria Stark Donald K. Stark
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kursell Connor McKeown
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sytsma Charlene Sytsma
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Saxsma Gerald "Jim" Van Prooyen
Ms. Jill Dyke Art Ruiter
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Bouwman Mary Ann Bouwman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Steenwyk John Steenwyk and Jerry Steenwyk
Stephen & Joanne Casper John and Anne Steenwyk
Mr. & Mrs. David Terpstra John Kamp
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kuipers John & Bernice Kuipers
Gail Graf Joseph Farrell & Michael Farrell
Bob and Linda McKeown Connor McKeown
Ms. Lorene Recker-Woodnorth Gwen Recker
Mr. Donald C. Van Schooneveld Edward Van Schooneveld
Mr. Mark Van Zuidam Mrs. Harriet Peters
Mr. Dan Bilthouse Beverly Folkerts
Ken & Julie Glotz  Martin & Kathleen Bulthuis
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Loerop Maurice & Eleanor Clausing
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grossheider Bob Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Haan Rev. Gerry Erffmeyer's grandchild at Elim
Mr. Charles Jenson Covid Deaths
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Zandstra Beth Zandstra
Doris Ham Cathy Ham
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Schnick Faith Church
Matthew Dalton Bethshan Association
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Pignotti Janet Grubio
Ms. Catherine Seper Chuckie Seper
Mr. & Mrs. James Skvarla Dave Vander Velde
Michael & Sharon McKeown Connor McKeown
Mr. & Mrs. Al Koehne Brooke Mate
Ms.Peggy Vlietstra Adam Douma
Peggy Alcala Brian Matthes
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Zevenbergen Richard & Kathy Kooyenga Family
Kevin Wesselhoff Tyler Sotzen
Marny Cramer Kiley Lombardo
Ms. Mary F. Busch Vickie Busch
Bill and Nancy Guth  Grace Wesseling
Mr. & Mrs. Micah Hall  Laura Walsh 
Joanne Hellinga Morgan Schnyders
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Wood Ida and Friendship Class at OPCRC
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Kuipers Martin Kuipers Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. John Tiemersma John Michael Tiemersma
Melissa Keska Margie Janners
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pedziwiatr  Kari Miller
George and Barbara Zandstra Beth Zandstra
Sandy Romo Lorenzo "Zo Zo" Escarpita
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Biondi Andrew Biondi
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Cullen  Those who work so hard at Elim
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Clause  Danny Marszewski
Ms. Marianne Storch David Vander Velde
Jeanine Krol Bobby Wall
Arline Powers Herman & Dorothy Ohlman  
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kuiken Violet Korte
John Riesbeck Susan Riesbeck
Robert Olson Robert Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vance Alyce Zohfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Hubbard Jr. Sharon Duncan
Bernard Heemstra  All Residents 
Arthur Avery Craig Malenkovic
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Stevens  Donahue Family
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Julien  Evin Julien 
Mrs. Rose Perretta  Mario Perretta
Mrs. Katy Mills  Joyce Van Der Molen 
Mr. & Mrs. Darek Komperda Sean Donahue 
Mr. & Mrs. George Oleskiewicz Maureen Oleskiewicz
Joseph Quick  The Quicks 
The Thrall Family  Adam Thrall 
Sid and Pat Hiemstra Jerry and John Steenwyk (who built the first Elim covered bridge)
Mr. & Mrs. James Troy Patti Troy
Mr. & Mrs. John Allen Adult Services Clients
Kenneth Gavin Thomas & Darlene Gavin
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Van Dyken Bruce & Jan Nikkel


Elim Bridge Builders

  • Rob & Sally Petroelje September 2021
  • Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vanderveer July 2021
  • Mr. & Mrs. Allen Jongsma July 2021
  • Roland & Susan Ernst June 2021
  • Leonard Achtenberg June 2021
  • Anonymous December 2020 $2,000.00
  • Glenn Horton March 2021 $1,050.00
  • William Lodewyk March 2021 $525.00
  • Anonymous November 2020 $500.00
  • Anonymous March 2021 $420.00

In addition to the donations we show below, we have received other commitments from faithful donors, bringing us to over 100% of the goal! Thank you! 





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