BFCC 2024

Peter Weyand

September 22, 2024 7:00am - October 31, 2024 1:30pm

Ride for K5

I've wanted to do something positve in memory of Karin for some time now and had missed the deadline for this event the past couple years. This year I made the deadline and have set a modest fundraising goal of $500. The bike for cancer care is a great program at Benedictine for lower income folks who may otherwise be paralized by the finacial burden of cacer care when in the hospital. Karin and our family were the benefactors of a similar program during her stay at Vassar where I know many of you came to visit her in her final few weeks. I am extremly thankful for the caring tenderness and generosity of the Vassar comunity during that time. It truly took a huge weight off of an allready unwieldy situation. If 25 friends could donate $20 each my goal would be reached. I'm looking forward to participating with like minded people comming together for a great cause. Thank you in advance and look forward to be able to send you a pancard thank you note.

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My Supporters

  • Mildred Winrow 1 hour ago
  • Maureen Schell All my love 5 hours ago $50.00
  • Jordan Scruggs 17 hours ago
  • Robert & Gayle Welch What a nice idea Peter! Best of luck on the ride. Gayle and Rob A day ago $53.00
  • Kristin & Sam Erdheim A day ago $100.00
  • Kevin Chisholm What an incredible organization. Good luck with the event Pete! 3 days ago $200.00
  • Britt Teravainen 2 days ago $106.00
  • Wayne & Marian Beckerman 5 days ago $106.00
  • Kristin & Sam Erdheim A day ago $100.00
  • rick hanheide 2 days ago $100.00