About Bras Across the Bridge

Bras Across the Bridge is the Feel Your Boobies® Foundation's signature fundraising event. Bras Across the Bridge celebrates breast cancer survivors, brings awareness to breast health and raises money to support the organization. Bras Across the Bridge is for everyone! Survivors parade across the bridge while supporters flank the sides of the bridge holding a bra chain of a 1,000 bras and cheer them on. Registration includes participation in the parade, swag, and a catered dinner at the Harrisburg Beach Club.

With the help of the participants, donors and our sponsors, Bras Across the Bridge provides lifesaving funds to Feel Your Boobies® Foundation.  

We need your help to continue our efforts. It’s more than likely you have a young woman in your life that you love, perhaps you are a survivor, a caregiver or friend of a survivor, or you have a family member who's been impacted by breast cancer. Bras Across the Bridge is a great way to come together as a team, a family, or an individual to show your support of breast health education.


Register by Wednesday, June 5th at noon to guarantee dinner.

Bra Donations

Thanks to Classic Drycleaners, all donated bras are laundered. Next, volunteers affix a Feel Your Boobies tag before they are donated to local CommunityAid locations to continue to spread the lifesaving message.  

With the help of participants, donors and our sponsors, Bras Across the Bridge provides lifesaving funds to the Feel Your Boobies® Foundation.

Bra donations for the 2024 Bras Across the Bridge event are OFFICALLY CLOSED. We appreciate all of you who donated roughly 1,500 BRAS!

Merchandise Sales

Note! All merchandise purchased through this page will be available on the day of the event at a table near registration check-in. We will not be shipping any merchandise.

*All prices include sales tax.



To purchase merchandise that will ship, visit www.FeelYourBoobies.com/shop







of your goal reached










Register by Wednesday, June 5th at noon to guarantee dinner.

Our Mission

The Feel Your Boobies® Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that promotes proactive breast health through the strategic education and outreach programs targeting young women.

The Feel Your Boobies® Foundation was founded in 2004 after Leigh Hurst, Founder, was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 33. Upon being diagnosed she realized she never thought much about the disease previously. She was a marathon runner and had no family history, so when the doctor’s dismissed the lump as “nothing to worry about,'' she was pacified. While going through her treatment, Leigh realized that the messages that were out there about breast cancer never really got through to her. Committing to change this, she created FYB Foundation to ensure breast health education was delivered to young women (a population not targeted by other breast cancer organizations).

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women under 35 and this population of women is not formally screened for the disease.

When breast cancer is detected early, and is in the localized stage, the 5-year relative survival rate is 99%. Early detection saves lives.


We're so thankful for your efforts in raising money to directly impact the lives of othes and we want to reward you for your generosity.

Raise $100

Raise $100 and get an event t-shirt to commemorate this year's Bras Across the Bridge

Deadline to achieve a shirt: May 28, 2024


Raise $250

FYB Foundation Branded Stadium Blanket

Raise $250 and get a branded Stadium Blanket

Raise $500

FYB Foundation Branded Stanley Tumbler

Raise $500 and get a branded Stanley tumbler

Raise $1000

Raise $1,000 and get a branded Under Armour Tech Half-Zip

In Honor Of or In Memory Of Signs

Celebrate a Survivor, Thriver, or honor someone who has been affected by breast cancer by walking with a sign. This is a $25 donation and you will take the sign home with you after the event. To purchase a sign, add this option during checkout while registering or at any time!


Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Anonymous June 2024
  • Anonymous June 2024 $124.20
  • Gordon Thrall June 2024 $100.00
  • Elena Alvarado June 2024 $25.87
  • Kathleen Pavelko June 2024
  • Anonymous May 2024 $1,000.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $1,000.00
  • Drayer Physical Therapy May 2024 $1,000.00
  • Beth and Darrell White To my amazing cousin Leigh Hurst! We are so proud of everything you have done to teach and support health in boobies! May 2024 $517.50
  • Anonymous May 2024 $500.00

Thank you to our sponsors and supporters

Corporate Teams

Drayer Physical Therapy

UPMC in Central Pa. and UPMC Health Plan


Survivor Supporter

Hershey Entertainment & Resorts

Hershey Entertainment & Resorts


Classic Drycleaners

Harrisburg Beach Club

Klock Entertainment

Unique Limousine