Join Me In Supporting the Feel Your Boobies Foundation!
It's undenaible that each and every one of us has been affected by breast cancer in some capacity. The rates are stagring really... in just women under 45 over 25,000 are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in the United States. That's nearly 70 women a day. 70 women a day hearing the words "you have breast cancer."
Over the past few years, I've had the pleasure of working alongside the Feel Your Boobies Foundation and helping to support them in getting their livesaving message out to the world. Through actionable programs like the "Are You Doing It?" Reminder Program, they are making a huge impact to spread awareness of breast cancer in young women and the simple yet affective message to simply "feel your boobies" as a first defense in early detection. Women under 40 aren't within mammography eligibility so often, these self breast exams are the only defense and only way to build the habit of knowing what is "normal" for our bodies and when it's time to see a doctor and ADVOCATE for our health.
I ask that you join me today in supporting the Feel Your Boobies Foundation through a donation of $20 in celebration of their 20th Anniversary this year.
If you don't have the funds to donate, please consider signing up for the "Are You Doing It?" Reminder Program! A simple reminder - monthly - to keep the habit of "feeling your boobies" at top of mind. You can sign up here: And I hear there are some pretty cool freebies that come with a sign up that might have been designed by yours truly (with the help of the talented Jennifer Borror).