My Personal Fundraising Page
Why I am Walking
Thanks for visiting my page! Please help me reach my fundraising goal by contributing to Down Syndrome Center of Puget Sound (DSC), an organization that means a lot to me. The DSC's mission is to provide impactful programs and resources for individuals with Down syndrome and their families while evolving perceptions in the broader community. Funds raised at the Puget Sound Buddy Walk® allow them to continue to offer their many programs, events, and initiatives, and to add more to meet the needs of their members.
Thanks for supporting an organization that is important to me!
of your goal reached
My Supporters
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My Teammates
- Laurie Carlsson $50.00
- LA Lolo Arambul $3.00
- JA Jacqueline Arambul
- MA Manuel Arambul
- RC Rubi Ceja
- JS JoJo Sohng
- HY Hee Yon Sohng
- VG Victor Garcia
- LS LuLu Sohng
- RM Rebekah McCullough
- MM Michael McCullough
- MM Myles McCullough
- ML Mariko Lulu McCullough
- KM Knox McCullough
- AS April Stretz
- AS Adam Stretz
- AS Avery Stretz
- AS AJ Stretz
- RS Rene Schrock $0.00
- LS Laura Sotelo Guerra $0.00
- JS John Schrock $0.00
- AM AJ Mallory $0.00
- CM Cameron Mallory Sotelo $0.00
- CM Charlie Mallory Sotelo $0.00
- MT Meg Tupou
- TT TJ Tupou
- MT Mella Tupou
- TT Taani Tupou
- EC Emily Chambers
- LC Lamin Cham
- AM Armani Montzingo
- KM Kaylani Montzingo
- EM Ella Montzingo
- NA Nicole Arambul $0.00
- EA Ellie Arambul
- SA Saul Arambul
- JA Jordy Arambul
- LA Leslie Arambul
- CS Cassie Sanford
- ES Eric Sanford
- VS Victoria Sanford
- NS Nelly Sanford
- MM Melissa McCullough
- JS Joe Sawyer
- MS Milo Sawyer
- JS Jaxon Sawyer
- MM Matthew McCullough
- JA Jessica Arambul Team Captain $0.00
- LA Luka Arambul
- MS Melissa Siv
- SS Steven Siv
- MA Manuel Arambul
- AS Ayden Siv
- IS Issa Siv
- DS Desi Siv
- MC Michelle Carroll
- TS Taryn Shelley
- CF Chrisy Francescutti
- HA Heidi Alexander
- NR Natalie russell
- GR Garrett Russell
- TR Theo Russell
- FR Finley Russell
- JA Jiselle Arambul
- MR Melissa Reichert
- MT Marley Thompson
- TT Tyler Thompson
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