Ticket Sales end on 10/1/24 at 5pm. Sponsorship details must be recieved by this date in order to be included in event materials.
Reach out to ascott@allchicago.org if you are in need of assistance.
Every year, we gather to celebrate the work of All Chicago Making Homelessness History at the Breakfast with All Chicago.
All Chicago provides emergency financial assistance, promotes community partnerships, manages data analytics for our partners, and provides training and research support.
Event Details:
University Club of Chicago | 76 E. Monroe St. Chicago, IL 60603
Thursday, October 10, 2024
7:30-8:00 am Registration
8:00 am Breakfast Buffet Opens
8:30 am Program Begins
10:00 am Program Ends
If you prefer to send your sponsorship information and payment by mail or ACH, please fill out this form and return to Avery Scott at ascott@allchicago.org, or by mail to 651 W. Washington, Suite 504 Chicago, IL 60661.
Parking and Driving Information