August 27, 2018 8:00am - September 13, 2018 6:00pm
Help Support Living-Wage Employment!
As the economy is becoming ever more digital, technology literacy is crucial to obtaining a living-wage career. For the one hundred and twenty thousand DC residents living below the poverty line, lack of access to the internet and limited technological skills present large obstacles on the path to economic inclusion.
Byte Back, founded 20 years ago to address this skill gap, truly evokes change in the lives of their students. Serving 700 adults from underserved communities each year, Byte Back helps break down barriers to living-wage employment. From basic computer training, to technology certification courses, they provide the means for bringing the digitally disconnected into the workforce – all free of cost to their students.
As a member of Byte Back’s Next Gen Council, I've seen first hand the impact this organization has had on the community. Even just $5 can cover a student’s transportation cost to class and bring them one step closer to breaking the cycle of poverty and obtaining a living-wage career.
I hope you’ll join me in supporting Byte Back's mission.