Donate to show your neighborhood pride

City Year Cleveland serves in 9 partner schools within 4 Cleveland neighborhoods. AmeriCorps members, alumni, staff, board members, community, and non-profit partners are all proud of the neighborhoods they serve, live in, or have an affinity with. So why not create a little friendly competition to see which neighborhood has the most City Year pride! Donate to City Year by selecting the neighborhood below that you feel most connected to.

Donors on the "winning" team will receive a special thank-you gift. All donations support City Year Cleveland.

Dear students... AmeriCorps Member Messages

Click on the neighborhood to donate and show your neighborhood pride!

Donate, post, share--let's create positivity together.

Let's create some connection in this time of social-distancing! When you make your donation, please leave a donation message to say why you selected the team that you did. We also encourage you to share "Some Good News" (any John Krasinski fans out there?) about the neighborhood you selected.





of your goal reached

Teams Listed by Donation

Rank Top Sites Amount Raised
1 Slavic Village $45.00
2 Glenville $10.00
3 Buckeye-Shaker $10.00
4 Central $5.00