My Personal Fundraising Page

I want to express my heartfelt thanks for taking a moment to visit my fundraising page.

My commitment to making a difference has led me to participate in the Congenital Heart Walk, an event that carries immense significance for me. It's not just a walk; it's a stride toward changing lives. This endeavor is all about supporting The Children's Heart Foundation and their crucial mission - advancing the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects through groundbreaking research.

When I became a mom back in 2018, I was given the unexpected title of heart warrior mom. My daughter Freya, who is 5 now, was born with a heart defect called Tetrallogy of Fallot. She had her repair done at 4 moths old and has been doing great since then. She has yearly check-ups with cardiologist and will need another heart surgery when she is older. She is a thoughtful, intelligent and energetic kid who can sit for hours with her coloring books. She is also an amazing big sister.

When we decided to grow our family, we were told by doctors that the chances of our baby having a heart defect was very low since there is no family history. Then we learned the gutwrenching news that my baby would be born with a heart defect. My youngest daugther Guinevere, who is almost 2, was born with Tetrallogy of Fallot as well but hers is a more severe. After she was born she spent 2 weeks in the hospital and came home with a feeding tube, that was eventually replaced with a G tube. She had her first surgery at 7 months old and her second one at 14 months old. She is a cuddly wild child who loves her chewing blankets and her big sister.

Being able to watch my girls grow and thrive is nothing short of a miracle. I count my blessings every day. Becoming a mom is a difficult job on its own, but being the mom to two heart warriors is another level entirely. It is not for the faint of heart. I would move mountains for my girls and that is why this foundation is so important. Anything I can do to raise awareness and to help the children and families affected by CHDs is always worth it.

I warmly invite you to become a part of this significant journey by supporting my fundraising efforts. Together, we can raise the funds essential to drive forward life-saving research. Your contribution holds immeasurable value to me.

Thank you for your generosity, and for standing beside me in this mission. Your support means the world.

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My Supporters

  • Kathryn Pinkney We love you, Imperato fam! 2 weeks ago $30.90
  • Tabatha Doran 4 weeks ago $50.00
  • Danielle Imperato 4 weeks ago
  • Ronald Fitzgerald February 2024 $257.50
  • Kathryn Pinkney For the two strongest little heart warriors I’ve ever met! February 2024 $51.50
  • Ronald Fitzgerald February 2024 $257.50
  • Peter DiMauro Send our best to the Imperato Family and their two little heart warriors! Love, Peter, Matt, Hunter, and Choux February 2024 $103.00
  • carol Waller February 2024 $75.00
  • Kathryn Pinkney For the two strongest little heart warriors I’ve ever met! February 2024 $51.50
  • Tabatha Doran 4 weeks ago $50.00