2024 Chicago Polar Plunge presented by Jackson

Shahenaz Abdelrahim

March 3, 2024 8:00am - August 1, 2024 2:00pm

Coach A's Fundraising Page

Why I Plunge

It's that time of year again!!  This will be my 16th Polar Plunge!  This plunge season is a bit different for me as I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer after Christmas last year in 2023 and was told I may have to miss out on Special Olympic events with my athletes, which is NOT acceptable to me.  Prior to my surgery to insert my port for chemo, I asked my amazing surgeon if I can still do the plunge and he looked at me like I was crazy given my situation and said he wouldn't win the arguement because I said I MUST ABSOLUTELY HAVE to do the plunge for my athletes and that is what I intend to do. Now as you all know, I absolutely despise the cold and always have endless layers on, but breast cancer will NOT stop me from entering the cold waters of Lake Michigan for these amazing athletes all across the city of Chicago.  Especially knowing where the money raised for this event goes, melts my heart and I would do anything for our Special Olympics athletes.  This includes jumping in the icy waters of Lake Michigan despite my current situation!!  I have been coaching Special Olympics athletes for 17 yrs and it's truly the BESTEST job in the world.  Nothing beats seeing that smile on an athlete's face when they get their award.  No matter the disability, Special Olympics has something for everyone.  Where else can you find that?  I teach at an all special ed high school and my students absolutely love competing in Special Olympics, which is why I continue to run our program because it makes them happy and why I am willing to take the plunge yet again for my 150 plus athletes.  I was told to find a reason to fight so that I can be motivated to beat breast cancer's @$$ and Special Olympics and my athletes are DEF the reason for me, so if you're able to make a donation, please do.  Any amount will help make a world of a difference for our athletes and we are forever grateful for your generosity.  See you IN the lake!  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr








of your goal reached

Thank you to our sponsors

My Supporters

  • Ilmars Gruzdins March 2024 $100.00
  • Aunt Eva Proud of you! Love you! March 2024 $200.00
  • NLC Polar Plunge March 2024 $370.00
  • Ed Lines March 2024 $100.00
  • Robert Babula March 2024 $100.00
  • Northside Learning Center Thank you Coach A for ALL that you do for our Special Olympics program and athletes! Without you, we wouldnt have this! Husky love!! March 2024 $1,733.00
  • cynthia kvisgaard sweet pea: You provide so many people with so many experiences it is unbelievable. Not only are you a fantastic teacher and coach, you always make sure that you bring as many students and families to special olympic events that are held outside of school events. You brighten so many lives. When March 2024 $525.00
  • Ed Lines Team 3 in d’house!! March 2024 $400.00
  • NLC Polar Plunge March 2024 $370.00
  • Dawn Kvisgaard Have fun Choochie! Keep warm (except for your head) Love you and sooo proud of all you do for SO! February 2024 $210.00