Chip's Polar Plunge Page

Why I Plunge

On Sunday, March 3, 2024 I will participate in the 2024 Chicago Polar Plunge, one of the city's most popular winter fundraising events!  Why do I plunge:

1. I plunge for Joanna - my beautiful niece and goddaughter whose love and amazing character shines like a bright lamp each and every day.  Joanna has Down Syndrome and would have benefited from this unique Special Olympics Program where we grew up. We are blessed to have this opportunity in Chicago to support a program like this.

2. I plunge to to support thousands of Chicagoans who participate in Special Olympics Chicago/Special Children’s Charities programs. With your support, people with intellectual disabilities have the opportunity to discover new strengths, abilities, and accomplishments.

3. I plunge to show Accenture's support of Peoples Gas and to spend time with this amazing family of colleagues and partners.  And to have a lot of FUN doing so.

There are three easy ways to support my plunging efforts:

  1. Donate to my fundraising page!
  2. Join my team and take the plunge with me at North Avenue Beach on March 3, 2024.
  3. Help me spread the word! Share my fundraising page with your friends and family. 

Accenture folks - please LOG your donations on our myGiving Page to achieve the Accenture match on your donations.






of your goal reached









Thank you to our sponsors!

My Supporters

  • Linda Enzbigilis Wonderful organization! Way to go Chip...We love you! March 2024
  • Joanna Muller Thank you Chip. I love you. March 2024 $26.25
  • Barbara Jesse I am very proud of you - your favorite mother-in-law March 2024 $52.50
  • Chip Dachs March 2024 $50.00
  • JJ Morelli Go get em Chip!! February 2024 $38.75
  • Accenture January 2024 $100.00
  • Chip Dachs January 2024 $100.00
  • Barbara Jesse I am very proud of you - your favorite mother-in-law March 2024 $52.50
  • David Mills Best of luck! February 2024 $52.50
  • Jozef Ogrodny February 2024 $52.50