I have been a passionate supporter of the fight against Domestic Violence for over 30 years. Choices is our local domestic violence shelter, and they run a tremendous program. Domestic Violence rises in times of economic stress. As a personal favor, please donate to Choices during this time of health and economic uncertanity for so many families. NOW is the time to step up and help Choices. My self assigned goal is $1,000. Let's blow it away. Thanks from the bottom of my heart, Susan
For victims of domestic violence, asking for help can be one of the most difficult steps to take. Fear, uncertainty, even shame can be overwhelming. But when victims do reach out for help, they Choose Hope!
I decided to Choose Hope by serving as a Choose Hope Champion. It’s one way that I can support victims of domestic violence—and their children. The funds I raise as a Choose Hope Champion will be used to provide victims with a safe place to go and the care and support they need to create a safer future, free from violence.
You can Choose Hope by making a gift today to support LSS CHOICES and those they serve. Together, we can help break the cycle of domestic violence!