Choose Hope 2021

Noel Poulton





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My Supporters

  • Lori Dennis October 2021 $52.50
  • Noel Poulton October 2021 $100.00
  • Noel Poulton October 2021 $100.00
  • Lori Dennis October 2021 $52.50

Did You Know?

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Why I Choose Hope

For victims of domestic violence, asking for help can be one of the most difficult steps to take. Fear, uncertainty, even shame can be overwhelming. But when victims do reach out for help, they Choose Hope!


I decided to Choose Hope by serving as a Choose Hope Champion. It’s one way that I can support victims of domestic violence—and their children. The funds I raise as a Choose Hope Champion will be used to provide victims with a safe place to go and the care and support they need to create a safer future, free from violence.


You can Choose Hope by making a gift today to support LSS CHOICES and those they serve. Together, we can help break the cycle of domestic violence!

Will You Choose Hope?

This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially those experiencing the additional crisis of domestic violence. As the pandemic progressed, LSS CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence saw an increase in the need for our services, including safe shelter. At the same time, the number of calls to our hotline from victims and police officers with a high risk for lethality increased.

You can Choose Hope by donating todayYour gift will support our important work at LSS CHOICES and help transform victims of domestic violence into survivors. You can also join our team of volunteer fundraisers! Click on "Fundraise" to get started now. 

Our 30-minute Choose Hope special aired on October 21 on 10TV reaching thousands of people in our community. If you missed it, click on the Choose Hope video below to understand more about intimate partner violence, hear stories from survivors, and learn about the shelter and services offered at CHOICES.

When you Choose Hope, you give victims hope for safety, hope for peace, hope for healing, and hope for a better future. Thank you for choosing hope!

How YOU Can Help

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LSS CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence, Franklin County’s only domestic violence focused shelter, offers victims and their children a safe place to go to break the cycle of domestic violence and begin the healing process. Our 24-hour crisis hotline, legal and community advocates, counseling, peer support groups, and other critical services help victims leave behind abusive relationships and create a safer future for themselves and their loved ones.

Choose Hope Special

Learn more about CHOICES services

LSS CHOICES Virtual Tour

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!



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Mary Costlow