Reclaiming Christendom Campaign

Recruiting monthly supporters for Tepeyac Leadership, Inc.

Monthly Commitments





of your goal reached

Lay Catholics have a unique responsibility and privileged opportunity to influence the world for Christ. Since 2018, Tepeyac Leadership, Inc. (TLI) has formed lay Catholic leaders for the world.

Join the Reclaiming Christendom Campaign. Become a monthly supporter. Some can give $100 month, others $50 or $10 a month.

Is there an amount you could commit to, monthly, to help reclaim Christendom?

Recent Activity

Need More Motivation?

In addition to advancing the mission of Tepeyac Leadership, Inc., get a free ticket to The Hour of the Laity (THL2024) when you help us raise $2,000 a year (or $167 in monthly commitments). Raise $2,500 and get 2 tickets to attend!


Please visit out two platforms, Tepeyac Leadership Initiative and The Hour of the Laity.