Help me support children in our community!
Together we can invest in the future of children and families in our community.
Since 1902, CHS has served thousands of children and families by providing solutions that change life trajectories. These solutions address or prevent challenges that lead to child abuse and neglect, mental health issues, extended stays in foster care and homelessness. Our team works to build bridges to success for the children, teens and families we serve.
Every dollar counts and helps give local children and families access to critical life changing programs, including: mentoring, teen outreach, clinical counseling, early childhood education, and child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention services.
Join me and let's help more children realize their full potential.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Gabe Zelaya April 2024
There are no top donors to display.
My Teammates
- Vincent D'Aria Team Captain $20,440.00
- Henry Senatore $575.00
- BN Branden Nosker $262.50
- CV Christopher Vogel $105.00
- GZ Gabe Zelaya $100.00
- Grant Jefferson $50.00
- SR Stephanie Ragusa $40.00
- MR Michael Ragusa $40.00
- HC Haelle Chomo $35.00
- RM Russell Moreau $35.00
- ER Ebony Rhodes $35.00
- Mitchel Graziano $35.00
- FB Frank Bastien
- GB Georgia Britt
- KW Katie Wong
- HH Helena Hickox
- TB Tony Barrow
- JB Janice Britt
- RV Rob Vaughn
- KB Kirstin Bastien
- JW Jason Ward
- ND Nicole Destefano $0.00
- RC Raymundo Chen Luo
- LB Laura Betty Britt
- EF Eric Feldman
- NB Nancy Britt
- OB Ophelia Bastien
- PP Paul Ponsock
- RC Rebecca Copley
- SB Sara Bastien
- TP Thomas Ponsock
- VB Vera Bastien
- CJ Craig Johnson
- MB Michaela Boscoe
- LS Landon Shapiro
- WP William Ponsock
- GB Geno Blyum
- AB Arus Bastien
- BT Brendan Travers
- KC Kevin Campbell
- BB Bobby Britt
- CP Charley Ponsock
- BT Beth Triplett
- DH Daren Harvey
- MC McKenzie Cherry $0.00
- CC Christopher Cherry $0.00
- MD Matthew DeFiglio
- DH David Holl $0.00
- AD Amy DeFiglio
- TJ Trevor Johnson
- DD Derek DeFiglio
- KS Katy Spencer Johnson
- GD Giselle DeFiglio
- ZH Zackary Hazard
- CH Connor Holland
- EJ Elizabeth Jabs
- MD Mike Dusseault
- KM Kendra Maxwell
- BN Brad Nella
- AM Anas Massaadi
- NK Nikitas Klimis
- EO Emily O'Malley
- TA Taylor Avery
- AL Alison Levasseur
- ML matthew Levasseur
- LL Laila Levasseur
- AB Adam Brooks
- LL Luca Levasseur
- DP Dede Pickle
- JD John DAria
- SP Steve Pickle
- KH Keagan Harvin
- DP Drew Paschal
- MF Meg Franck
- PP Piper Pickle
- BP Beau Pickle
- DH Don Hickox
- LH Lyn Hickox
- LH Lilly Hickox
- AS Andrew Sheflin
- AP Allie Ponsock
- RM Ryan Mallaby
- CP Chase Ponsock
- CH Chris Holt $0.00
- LG Lessly Gamez
- MP Molly Ponsock
- KE Kurt Eggers
- AC Alexandra Conroy
- LP Laken Ponsock
- SE Sarah Eggers
- RP Raven Ponsock
- SS Steven Scott
- KB Krystle Beecher $0.00
- BS Becca Scott
- KS Katie Sheridan
- LS Landon Scott
- WB William Britt
- TB Tracy Britt
- LB Lea Britt
- CB courtney Britt
- PS Peter Strzetelski
- DH David Halvorsen
- PB Parker Britt
- JB Jennings Britt
- CB Chandler Britt
- MD Mike Dale $0.00
- KD Kim Dale
- MD Mark Dale
- SD Sarah Dale
- CB Clare Bishop
- ZD Zara Dale
- SD Solei Dale
- AD alorha Dale
- AB Adam Bass $0.00
- MJ Mekay James
- SI Steven Iannacone $0.00
- AL Austin Lloyd $0.00
- RM Riley Michael $0.00
- JH Jett Heukensfeld $0.00
- JM Jonathan Magnuson
- SC Sean Cass
- MP Michelle Paradiso
- CR Charlie Raynes $0.00
- ED Esteban Dobles
- BD Becky Dobles
- ND Noah Dobles
- MM Michelle Munoz
- JM Jason Munoz
- JL Jake LaRovera
- LB Leigh Barnhill
- AR Adriana Rivera
- JB Jessica Britt Bastien
- SB Steve Bastien
- CB Charlie Bastien
- PB Pheobe Britt Bastien
- RB Roger Bastien
- JK Jenn Korona $0.00
- KM Kimberley Meyer $0.00
- JB Jocelyn Burton
- ZS Zachary Snyder
- AS Alexis Sarner
- JD Jamie D'Aria $0.00
- MB Marisa Beninati $0.00
- DO Dalina Oracius
- CA Cory Ayres
- DB Dee Blake
- CJ Calvin Jiang
- HH Hank Henderson
- LV Lauren Vargo
- CW Chris Wong
- NV Nick Vargo
- JM Jessica McNally
- JB Julia Basiliere
- EM Eric Mulford
- JM Jen Mulford
- DR Dan Ryaboy
- MJ Mekay James
- DJ Dyer James
- OJ Olive James
- CD Christopher D Dale
- RD Rachel Dale
- KS Kelsey Stoker
- AB april Britt
- MB Maggie Britt
- BB Bailey Britt
- GB Grace Britt
- IB Idgy Britt
- SB Sandy Britt
- AM Anas Massaadi
- MB Matilda Britt
- PB Pep Britt
- BH Buster Hickox
- AB Allison Britt
- PB Phil Britt
- BM Brittany Meehan
- JB Jillian Britt
- LB Lindsey Britt
- BL Ben Lewis
- MP Max P
- BD Bob Dale
- DD Darlene Dale
- EL Elsie Lovequist
- AV Andre Vidal $0.00
- VL Vindala Lovequist
- GV Gianna Vidal $0.00
- RL Riney Lovequist
- RM Ryan Meehan
- ND Nancy Dale
- AD Ashley Dale
- RD Robert Dale
- SD Sunny Dale
- RD Roger Dale
- DH Dana Hickox
- AP Abbie Pickering $0.00
- BP Brittany Pickering $0.00
- FF Fernando Fernandez
- AF Anastasia Foerschner $0.00
- RV robinson vuong
- LB LeAnne Bastien
- NB Nick Bastien
- HS Hannah Smith $0.00
- KT Karoline Taylor
- SB Sydney Bastien
- CM Chad Moye
- LB Lexi Bastien
- BB Bernie Bastien
- SB Skip Bastien
- DB Darcy Bastien
- NB Nicholas Bastien
- AB Alex Bastien
- BB Becca Bastien
- CB Clarise Bastien
- EB Edith Bastien
- DB Deni Bastien