Please Select An Option

  • Gala Ticket

    1 Gala Ticket

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  • Community Sponsorship

    1 Gala ticket; Recognition at event; Logo on event signage and email promo

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  • Ally Sponsorship

    2 Gala tickets; Recognition at event; Quarter-page ad in program; Logo on event signage and email promo

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  • Advocate Sponsorship

    4 Gala tickets; Recognition at event; Half-page ad; Logo on event website, event signage and email promo

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  • Humanitarian Sponsorship

    6 Gala tickets; Recognition at event; Full-page ad; Logo on event website, event signage and email promo

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  • Visionary Sponsorship

    12 Gala tickets; Recognition at event; Full-page prime placement ad; Logo on event website, event signage and email promo

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