Tell Your Network

Social media is a great way to tell friends, family and coworkers about your fundraising efforts and encourage their support.

  • Share posts from our main social media pages so friends can see why this is important to you. You can find us at:

  • Create a Facebook fundraiser! You can link your Facebook fundraiser to your fundraising page so that your Facebook donations show up on your personal and your team page. 

  • Share progress towards your goal through your status updates.

  • Tell your followers why this event is important to you and ask them to support you.

    • (Sample Post: Facebook) This summer, [company name/organization name/I] is fundraising to support @CommunitiesInSchoolsofCentralTexas so they can provide school supplies to students in need. Every child in our community deserves access to the tools they need to succeed in school. Click here [include link to fundraising page] to donate and make sure our students are equipped to tackle the school year! 
    • (Sample Post: Twitter) This summer, I am fundraising to support #CISReadyForSchool so that @ciscentraltx can provide school supplies to students in need. Click here [include link to fundraising page] to donate and make sure our students are equipped to tackle the school year! 
  • Post a video of you or your team talking about why you support CIS and our Ready for School drive.

  • Share the link for your personal fundraising page in every post.

  •  Host a Facebook fundraiser! You can integrate your fundraising page to your Facebook account. 

  • Encourage your friends to join your team, make a donation or spread the word.

  • Thank your friends. Type in @ and their name, it should appear in a drop down box. Select their name to tag them.

    • (Sample Thank You Post) Thank you @username for joining [Team Name] to fundraise for #CISReadyForSchool! With your support, we’re one step closer to reaching our goal of [Team Goal Amount] to provide school supplies for @CISCentralTX students across our community!
  • Get creative and have fun!  We may share one of your posts on our social media platforms throughout the summer, so don’t forget to tag us and use the hashtag #CISReadyForSchool

Tell Your Story & Keep the Momentum Going!

Some of the most compelling fundraising stories are ones written by supporters like you. Tell your team and supporters why you are passionate about CIS. What inspired you to get involved?

  • Teaser posts. Before you launch your event, spend some time getting people excited about your event. Show them pictures of people at past events having a blast. Explain why people should get involved. Get people hyped!
  • Recruitment posts. Once your page is live and ready to go, share it with your network and colleagues! At this point during the ride, some people might not be aware of the event and the basic reasons they may want to participate. You’ll want to make this type of post periodically, especially in the early days.
  • Progress posts. Celebrate important milestones with your participants and donors! When you reach certain percentages of your fundraising goal, when you hit interesting recruitment numbers, or when you hit significant dollar amounts, make a post to celebrate!
  • Participant spotlights. Show your participants some love and inspire people to stay involved by highlighting people who have done a remarkable job raising money and awareness for your cause. You’ll want to have their permission before you post about them, of course.
  • Countdown posts. These are especially effective if you’re very close to your fundraising goal or nearing the day of the event. Creating a sense of urgency is a tried-and-true fundraising strategy, and it applies to peer-to-peer fundraising!