Monica's Fundraiser for a CMT Cure

My CMT Story

My parents knew I had CMT when I was two years old. I was the seventh person in my family to be diagnosed. By the time I was five, I was wearing leg braces. By middle school, I was relying on a wheelchair more and more. By my mid-twenties, I lost the ability to stand completely. I am now a full time wheelchair user. 

My entire life, I've heard about the "future", about how CMT would have a treatment or even a cure. But as each year has passed and my disease has progressed and wreaked havoc on my body, no treatments or cures have emerged. I've had painful surgeries and ineffective physical therapies, I've been hooked up to machines and shocked, poked with needles and sliced with scalpels, but I've never had a real treatment. 

The future is now, and I am tired of waiting. I joined the CMT Research Foundation because they're tired of waiting, too. By donating to CMT research, you're helping people like me finally realize our dream of living life without this disability. 





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My Supporters

  • Monica Thomas October 2021 $50.00
  • Anonymous September 2021 $50.00
  • Monica Thomas October 2021 $50.00
  • Anonymous September 2021 $50.00