



of your goal reached


We are so pleased and thankful for the generosity of our CMU Community – including our friends and family members – in supporting our annual food drive.

Carnegie Mellon’s 29th Annual Food Drive, sponsored by Staff Council, once again raised over $100,000 in cash and nonperishable contributions in support of both the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank and our own CMU Food Pantry.

We are SO PROUD to be part of such a caring, generous, and dedicated CMU community and are pleased to share this year’s results:

• Total dollars raised online: $101,895.53

• Total lbs.: 1,768 lbs., 7oz (including can openers)

• Can Openers: 266, exceeding goal of 250 (donated to our CMU Food Pantry) Using the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank’s formula to convert dollars to pounds and adding that figure to our cash total, our grand total raised this year is an incredible (drumroll please)…


Again, surpassing $100,000 in our contributions is beyond commendable! Our partners at the Food Bank continue to be impressed and thankful for what we do for the needy in our community. This success would not be possible without widespread support. A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered and contributed!

And a special shout-out to our teams finishing at the top of the leaderboard:

First Place: Campus Design & Facility Development

Second Place: School of Computer Science

Third Place: Tepper School of Business

And for our CMU student-led teams, finishing their category in the following order:

15-112, Lecture 3

Miller Lites – Miller ICA Students

CIA Buggy

Prepare yourselves for even greater success for our 30th Annual Food Drive, in the Fall of 2023!!!

Sincerely, Your 2022 Food Drive Committee, chaired by Carole Panno and co-chaired by Margaret Cox.

Carnegie Mellon University's 29th Annual Food Drive, Sponsored by Staff Council

Carnegie Mellon's annual food drive is one important way the university demonstrates its commitment to the community, and Staff Council is proud to spearhead this initiative each year. 

For nearly three decades, Carnegie Mellon has run one of the highest grossing food drives in the City of Pittsburgh (holding “bragging rights” as THE LARGEST for at least several years!), contributing more than $319,000 and over 78 tons (yes, TONS!) of nonperishables to support those in need. The university is motivated each year to keep our tradition of fighting hunger in the Pittsburgh area alive because we care about our neighbors.   

We attribute much of our past success to the spirit of friendly competition that permeates our campus. Last year, this spirited competition soared to new heights, with contributions reaching an all-time high of $112,705.13 (including cash and nonperishable contributions converted to dollars)! 

Because of our continued and increased enthusiasm to help end food insecurity, our goal this year is to collect $125,000 in cash and nonperishables.  

Please be as generous as possible, but know that gifts of any size are important and appreciated.  In fact, $1 donated to the Food Bank can provide up to five meals! 

As chair of our annual drive, I am proud of what we have accomplished over the years. Myself – along with our honorary chair, Provost Jim Garrett, and co-chair, Margaret Cox - thank you in advance for your continued generosity!

Carole Panno, Chair, Staff Council Food Drive Committee 

If you have any questions, please contact Carole Panno

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Meet Nancy

Nancy is living on disability after a car accident left her with permanent mobility struggles. She relies on the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to get food and picks up food for up to 20 different seniors who are homebound in her housing community.