Coast to the Cure NF 2024   ○   Addies Canal Cruisers

Michael Garrity

September 7, 2024 6:30am - 4:00pm

My Personal Fundraising Page

Greetings: Next month, on Saturday September 7th, I will be teaming with several road cyclists to ride in the 2024 NF1 Coast to a Cure event. This effort will be to help raise money in the fight against Neurofibromatosis (NF) – the destructive and debilitating genetic disorder. This disease is the most common genetic disorder caused by a single gene. NF can cause uncontrolled tumor growth along the nerves anywhere in or on the body at any time. Manifestations of NF include disfigurement, blindness, learning disabilities, deafness, brain tumors, seizures and cancer We will be completing a 66-mile route out of the City of Gloucester cycling through several other towns on the North Shore of Massachusetts. The team Is named “Addie’s Canal Cruisers” and is now comprised of 12 cyclists who often plan their cycling routes to include segments along the Cape Cod Canal service roads. One of the team members has a granddaughter – now seven years old – who is afflicted this disorder. We look forward to seeing her cheering us on along the next month's circuit and providing our support for all victims affected by this disease, their families, and sponsoring the effort of medical researchers and healthcare care professionals seeking a cure and providing needed expert care. Will you help out with a donation to this worthy cause? Your contribution (large or small) will certainly make an impact and will be much appreciated. NF Northeast is an outstanding, outcome-focused organization. If you would like to help me reach my fundraising goal, please click the Donate Now button to the right below: Here is a link that provides more information about NF Northeast: To find out more about the September 7th fundraising ride itself, please visit this link: Thank You Mike Garrity





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • John King Last month $100.00
  • Susan Harrington Last month $50.00
  • Patty Short Last month
  • Michael Garrity June 2024 $100.00
  • John King Last month $100.00
  • Michael Garrity June 2024 $100.00
  • Susan Harrington Last month $50.00