My Personal Fundraising Page

Hello all!

Thank you for visiting our donation page in honor of our Brayve Brayden. Many of you know that our amazing (almost) 4-year-old has been through A LOT in his young life and the Children's Heart Foundation is near and dear to us. 

Bray was born with VACTERL Association, a rare condition that features any number of congenital abnormalities. As a result of this diagnosis and his accompanying anomolies, Brayden had 8 surgeries by the time he was 2 1/2 years old, including open heart surgery at just 8 weeks old to repair his CHD, Tetralogy of Fallot. We're forever grateful to Dr. Galantowicz and the Heart Center at Nationwide Children's for saving our little guy's life. 

Brayden is now a thriving, energetic preschooler who loves baseball, his brothers and jumping on the trampoline! Thank you for considering a dontation to help kiddos like Bray!

Much love,

Jaclyn, Ryan, William, Jameson, Brayve Brayden & Hudson Toopes

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My Supporters

  • Jason Taddeo 2 days ago $51.50
  • Emily Eckert Go Brayden!!!! You’re amazing buddy! 3 weeks ago
  • Neema Kombo 3 weeks ago $51.50
  • Sara Rush Go Brayden!! You are the strongest, coolest, and most brave person! 3 weeks ago $30.90
  • Stacey Jakeway 3 weeks ago
  • Timothy Sullivan Last month $257.50
  • Kevin & Kathy Kelly Last month $257.50
  • Teri Toopes Brayden your smile brings so much joy to all of us! I love your determination and resilience! Love TT 4 weeks ago $103.00
  • Doug Vaughan Last month $103.00
  • Tod Felton Last month $100.00