About True Friends

True Friends is a nonprofit agency providing life-changing experiences that enhance independence and self-esteem for children and adults with disabilities.  

True Friends’ programs include camp, respite, therapy and adaptive riding, conference and retreat, travel, and team building; serving over 25,000 individuals annually. True Friends serves individuals in Minnesota and throughout the United States. For more information visit www.truefriends.org or call 952.852.0101.

Our Mission
Provide life-changing experiences that enhance independence and self-esteem for children and adults with disabilities

Our Vision
A world where experiences and adventures are open to individuals of all abilities.

Our Values
Empowerment, Experience, Integrity, Safety, Sustainability

Our Programs and Locations

Our Programs
Camp, Respite, Therapy and Adaptive Riding, Travel, Team Building, Retreat Centers

Our Locations
Camp Courage in Maple Lake, MN                     
Camp Friendship in Annandale, MN              
Camp Eden Wood in Eden Prairie, MN
Camp Courage North near Bemidji, MN

Experience True Friends

How is True Friends Related to Camp Courage and Courage Center?

As of 2012, Camp Courage and Camp Courage North are no longer part of Courage Center, but are instead owned and operated by the nonprofit organization True Friends. 

In 2012, the Courage Camps were acquired by a nonprofit organization called Friendship Ventures and the organization was renamed to True Friends. 

*For a more complete history, please visit the FAQ page, question #6


Camper Testimonials

"Sam got suited up and did the zip line and his face could've lit up the world!"
-- Camper's Mom

"At True Friends Camp Courage I was able to do a lot of activities and just forget about my disability and do the things I love. I met a lot of nice campers and the staff at camp was excellent and they were all passionate about what they do. Overall, I had the best experience at True Friends Camp Courage!" 

"This is a great place. This was my first time ever coming. I became [a] quad amputee last year, and this place made me feel normal again. I was able to do every activity here. Never felt out of place."

"Camp Courage should really be called Camp Paradise." 

A True Friends staff member asked a first-time camper, "If you had to give Camp Friendship a grade, A, B, or C, what would you give it?" The camper exclaimed, "G! For great!" 
-- True Friends staff and Camper

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