At DAP Health, we're on a mission to transform lives. Each day, we proudly serve around 85,000 patients of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and orientations across 25 Southern California clinics. Our reach spans from the Salton Sea to San Diego, touching 240 diverse zip codes in both rural and urban areas. As our patient base grows, so does the impact of our walk—making a real difference in our communities.
This year, we’re walking with purpose and passion to champion LGBTQ+ care, women’s health, mental health, and the fight against HIV and other epidemics. Our goal is nothing short of ensuring that everyone in our vibrant communities can achieve true well-being and flourish!
I’d be deeply grateful and honored if you would consider making a donation to support this cause. Your contribution will help fuel our efforts to advance health equity and bring lasting change. Join us in making a profound impact and walking the walk towards a healthier, more equitable future!