What is the deadline for registration?
The deadline for registration will be 2/3/2022. The chef needs a headcount by that date to be able to plan and prepare so our meals will be scrumptious!
What is the best way to register?
The best way to register, especially if you plan to participate in the silent auction, is to download the Givi app on your phone. It is available for free at the app store and the google store. Once downloaded, you just have to enter Savannah and the choose the Defend. Rescue. Deliver. event from the list. This will take you to the registration page. Just choose you package or individual tickets and continue to follow the prompts.
If you don't want to download an app on your phone, you can go to the Savannah Care Center website at savannahcarecenter.org and click on the invitation. This will take you directly to the website registration. Then, just choose the package you want and follow the prompts to complete your registration.
What is the best way to register my guests?
Once you choose your package, the next page will list ten or twenty "tickets" depending on which package you purchase. Below the Ticket Numbers you will see a green link to "send to guest". Just click this link and enter your guest's email address and hit send. This will send them an invitation on your behalf and they can register themselves. They will be seated at your table automatically.
Can I buy individual tickets for the event?
Yes. As you begin the registration process, you will see "individual tickets" as the first option. Just enter the number of tickets needed and continue to check out.
Do I have to opt in for the Silent Auction if I'm not planning on participating?
No. You don't have to opt in.
Is there a mobile way to participate in the silent auction without having to go the the table to increase my bid?
Yes. Just download the "Givi" app from the app store or google play and you will be able to set maximum bids, bidding increments for your bids, and pay for the auction items you win wherever you are in the hotel during the event. See the video above on How to Use Givi To Register and Bid on Auction Items.
Will there be parking and what is the fee?
Parking is free at the Savannah Mariott Riverfront. Please take a ticket when you enter the parking area. The gate "arm" will be raised at the end of the event so you will be able to exit without paying.
If I purchased a table, am I responsible for getting the people to fill it?
We encourage you to act as an ambassador for Savannah Care Center by telling friends about the Center and then inviting them to the event. We also encourage you to let them know this is a fundraising event and there will be an "ask" at the end of the evening so they are not caught off guard.
What if I can't fill all my seats at my table?
There will be people who can be assigned to your table with you if you can't get enough people to join you.
Can more than one person go in together to purchase a table?
Yes. The host/ambassador for the table should have all other participating parties give them their portion of the payment and the host/ambassador will make the full payment to secure the table at whatever sponsorship level chosen by the group.
Will there be a vegan/vegetarian option for the meal?
Yes. There will be a vegan option which will cover our vegetarians, too.
What do I do if I want to be a corporate sponsor?
Go to the registration site. Purchase the corporate sponsorship level you want. Then email your coporate logo to director@savannahcarecenter.org to be included on the event website and in the program. Please make sure the logo you send is in .jpeg or .png format.
What if I'm an individual but want to purchase a level higher than the Table Ambassador?
Higher levels are not reserved for corporations. Anyone can purchase a packet at any level. Just choose the level you want at registration. Your name will be included on the event website and in the program.
How will I know where to go once I'm at the hotel?
There will be volunteers at each entrance to the hotel, the front and the parking area, to guide you. There will be volunteers at each turn to be sure you find where you're going easily.
What is the dress code for the event?
Dressy Business