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Please Select An Option

  • Individual Tickets

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  • Reserved Table

    Reserved Table of 8

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  • Concours d'Elegance Table

    Premium, Reserved Table of 10 and recognition in event program

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  • Ferrari Sponsor

    (10) Complimentary Event Registrations and Reserved Table, Full page ad in Event Program, Logo and company website link on Event registration website and FPE website, Logo on all event promotional materials, Email Blasts, Social Media Acknowledgements, Event Posters/Banners, Annual Report, Event Press Releases

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  • Bentley Sponsor

    (8) Complimentary Event Registrations, Half page ad in Event Program, Logo and company website link on Event registration website and FPE website, Logo on all event promotional materials, Email Blasts, Social Media Acknowledgements, Event Posters/Banners, Annual Report, Event Press Releases

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  • Rolls Royce Sponsor

    (6) Complimentary Event Registrations, 1/4 page ad in Event Program, Company Logo on Event Registration website and all event promotional materials, Name included in Event Email Blasts, Social Media Acknowledgements, Event Posters/Banners, Annual Report, Event Press Releases

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  • Porsche Sponsor

    (4) Complimentary Event Registrations, 1/8 page ad in Event Program, Company name on Event Registration website, all event promotional materials, Event Email Blasts, Social Media Acknowledgements, Event Posters/Banners, Annual Report

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  • BMW Sponsor

    (2) Complimentary Event Registrations, Listing in Event Program, Company name on Event Registration website, all event promotional materials, Event Email Blasts, Social Media Acknowledgements, Event Posters/Banners, Annual Report

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Driving Home Hope Event Program – Ad Opportunities

Purchasing an ad in our event program is another way to support our event and Family Promise of Essex County's mission. If you would like to share a special message about our Driving Home Hope honoree, or in support of FPE, please go to the Donate page for ad options.



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