Racing for a Cure... One Magical (and Spooky) Mile at a Time!

Why I run for Team Fired Up

What started as a friendly dare to run a 5K back in 2013 turned into something more than I could have ever imagined... nearly a decade later, countless 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathon and TEN full marathons, plus a number of multi-race challenges along the way... January 2024 I conquered Dopeyland, the WDW Dopey Challenge (5, 10, Half, Full) and then tacked on the Disneyland Half Marathon a week later. For the DL Half, I decided to run for charity and found the Dragon Master Initiative. Cancer affects many more people that we realize, affecting our human and furry friends alike. It doesn't care about what you like or dislike, what religion you follow, what political lean you might have. All the while we try to live our lives the best we can with this threat seemingly around every turn of our lives.

In supporting me in this race, you're helping to support cutting edge research using data and information to drive positive outcomes. It's one more amazing tool in the fight a common enemy. I've lost family, friends and pets to cancer. We can do better. We must do better. Every dollar helps get us closer to that goal.

Please support me any way you can! If you would like me to run a mile in support of someone you know battling cancer or in memory of someone you've lost, please let me know either here or privately. I aprreciate your support!

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