About me!

Hi! My name is Lyndsay Cone, mom of three, scientist and lover of running. I grew up outside of Boston and the Boston Marathon always seemed like something only super heroes could do BUT I have been given the chance of a lifetime to run the Boston Marathon in 2023 for  Dougie's Team. My son Ben was diagnosed with Autism at 2 years old. He was no verbal, smashed his head out of frustration and was developmentaly where a 6 month old would be. We were heart broken and frankly terrified about what a life for Ben would look like but through support services amazing people were brought into our life to guide us on this journey. Slowly the light began to shine through our very dark world and Ben started to emerge as the funny, sweet and lovable little guy he is. Ben is 8 years old now and because of amazing people much smarter than myself Ben is at grade level! I am humble enough to know that with Autism Support Services we would not be here today and I would not know the incredible little boy I get to call my son. If I am able to support one family's journey with this race it will be worth every mile of training!!

Tell your donors who you are and why you are running!

Thank you for signing up and fundraising for the 2023 Boston Marathon! This is your fundraising page where you can set a goal, upload images, and share on social media with donors. 

Page Editing Instructions

  1. To edit any piece of your page, click the gear icon in the top right corner of each content box. Be sure to click "Update" at the bottom and then save on the bottom left of the page to ensure everything saves!
  2. To hide any element on the page, click the eye icon in the top right corner of each content box. 
  3. To move a section, click and drag any item to a different part of the page. Hover over the section until you see a grey box show up and then you can let go.  
  4. Edit your story. In this text box, you can delete all of this wording and tell donors about why you are running the 2023 Boston Marathon. I suggest dragging an image from your files directly into the content box. Sometimes the “insert image” button can be hard to use.
  5. Add photos to the image galleries below and to the side of anything that may apply!
  6. Don’t forget to save before you leave your page or else your edits won’t save!
  7. Share, share, share!

If you have any questions at all about setting up your page or your fundraising efforts, please contact Terri Ladka - Director of Development at tladka@flutiefoundation.org

2023 Boston Marathon Recap





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Christy Bell BoA Charitable Fund May 2023 $5,000.00
  • Anne Culver Societe Generale company match May 2023 $50.00
  • Jamie & Joe Walsh Prendergast April 2023
  • Ryan Snell You are such a bad@ss Lynds! Good luck! April 2023 $105.00
  • Anonymous Go Lyndsay Bell April 2023
  • Lyndsay Cone Battle of the Burns PayPal and venmo February 2023 $8,888.25
  • Christy Bell BoA Charitable Fund May 2023 $5,000.00
  • Christy & Susan Bell Bell December 2022 $1,000.00
  • Anonymous April 2023 $525.00
  • Collegium Pharmaceuticals April 2023 $500.00