2023 Boston Marathon®

Brady Connolly

About me!

Hello, my name is Brady Connolly and I am beyond excited to achieve my dream of running the 2023 Boston Marathon while raising money for an outstanding cause! I am 19 years old and currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in English from Harvard University. When I am not running, I enjoy going to the movies, reading, and trying not to think about the next long run I have to do for training! 

While running is now one of my biggest passions in life, I cannot claim to have always been an athlete. In fact, I thought I hated running until I got so bored of being inside during the pandemic that I was willing to try anything. Fortunately, I tried running and was hooked instantly. The sport has become an amazing way for me to set goals for myself and meet new people on campus who share my passion. Over the course of 2021, I trained for my first marathon and in May 2022, I was able to complete the Sugarloaf Marathon in Maine. Now, I cannot wait to test my mettle on the iconic Boston Marathon course!

The only thing more exciting to me than running the Boston Marathon is having the opportunity to raise money for a cause as deserving as The Dougie Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism. Through their wide range of activities and programming, the foundation helps ensure that people and families affected with autism can live as full members of communities across the country. All money donated to the foundation will go directly towards supporting families struggling with the additional costs of carring for a loved one with autism, community partnerships and grants, and a wide variety of additional programs. 

If possible, please consider taking advantage of your employer's donation matching program. You can use this link to see if your company matches donations. 

Any donation of any amount would be a massive help in furthering the great work of The Dougie Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism. Thank you in advance for you generosity!

2023 Boston Marathon Recap





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Kevin Connolly Dell Inc company match May 2023 $250.00
  • Brad Masuret American Tower Match May 2023 $100.00
  • Cognizant Technology Solutions May 2023 $100.00
  • Peter Everin National Grid Match May 2023 $250.00
  • Brady Connolly Stats Fundraiser Pt. 2 April 2023
  • Manulife April 2023 $1,350.00
  • Brady Connolly Stats Fundraiser Pt. 1 April 2023 $610.00
  • Joe Hoffman Go get Brady!! Great initiative and we will be rooting for you November 2022 $525.00
  • Filippine Family Charitable Gift Fund March 2023 $500.00
  • Liz Murphy November 2022 $262.50