2023 Boston Marathon®

Jomar Hernandez

About me!

My name is Jomar Hernandez, from San Juan Puerto Rico. I'm a 39 years old Marathoner and dad of a 6 years old special needs kid. Boston marathon would be my 4th marathon, getting me closer to the goal of running the 6 marathon majors. 

Why I’m fundraising and running Boston Marathon 2023?

When 2019 started I established a long term goal to start running and maybe get to run a marathon before I was 40 years old. I talked about that with a friend and he encouraged me to not wait and sign up for NYC marathon. I followed that advice and in November 2019 I ran my first ever marathon. I learned a lot about myself during the training period and it also helped me through weight struggles. For the last 4 years my wife and I have being working with our special needs kid to get him to continue improving in school and in life. I have used the running as a symbol that, with sacrifice, training and dedication, one can get from mile 1 to the finish line at mile 26.2. This is the message I want to convey to my kid. No matter how tough the times might get. No matter how far the goal might seem. It is achievable.

I am not a fast or elite runner. I just enjoy the sport and how it helps me continue improving my health. Nevertheless, I'm on a personal quest to finish all 6 Marathon Majors. I already have completed New York, Chicago and Berlin. With Boston being one of the most difficult races to enter, I decided to do it through this fundraising opportunity. And what better cause than running for Dougie's Team for Autism and help them continue supporting families with special needs kids. By donating to this charity, you are helping many different causes. You help Doug Flutie Jr Foundation to continue the great work they are doing for patients and families dealing with autism. You are helping me run the Boston marathon and getting closer to finishing the 6 majors. And you are also helping me and my wife to continue teaching my little JJ that no matter how hard things are, he can do it. 

Let's do this together. Let's change people's and families with special needs lifes by donating. Let's continue to motivate people toward living a healthy lifestyle. Let's reach that goal. 

2023 Boston Marathon Recap





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Jomar Hernandez Amgen Match May 2023 $100.00
  • Jomar Hernandez Adivina mi tiempo April 2023 $420.00
  • Amgen Foundation March 2023 $100.00
  • Amgen Foundation March 2023 $100.00
  • Sandy Gonzalez March 2023 $52.50
  • Amgen Foundation March 2023 $4,000.00
  • Jomar Hernandez Personal donation November 2022 $2,100.00
  • Jomar Hernandez Adivina mi tiempo April 2023 $420.00
  • Jomar Hernandez The Cookie Lady baked cookies sales. October 2022 $346.50
  • Jomar Hernandez Baked cookies sell. The Cookie Lady. October 2022 $223.65